
Friday, March 15, 2019

Melting Glaciers are Devastating for Wetlands Essay example -- Geology

melt down Glaciers Great News for Titanic, Devastating for WetlandsOverview This essay is consecrated to the importance of wetlands and the threatening danger of raise sea levels due to orbiculate warming. Historically we earth exhaust taken for granted the numerous critical roles played by wetlands in our ecosystem and viewed them only as unpleasant and undesirable. So we have sunk much of our wetlands, and now that we finally see how grievous they be we atomic number 18 going to lose what little wetlands remain to rising sea levels.What argon wetlands? Wetlands ar, quite simply wet lands. The word wetlands is the incarnate term for marshes, swamps, bogs, and analogous areas. Here in Florida, wetlands are quite abundant. They lav also be found in nearly every county and climactic zone in the United States. However, more than half of Americas wetlands have been destruct by mankind and his historically negative view of the vital waters. In general, wetlands are non very pleasant to humans to be around. not only do they lack the beauty and grandeur of lakes, oceans and waterfalls, but they are also base of operations to mosquitoes, flies, unpleasant odors and disease. Furthermore, wetlands tend to cover a full-grown area that would be desirable to developers and farmers. Thus, wetlands were popularly and quickly drained and converted to farmlands or make full for housing developments and industrial facilities. Also, flood control levees and sailing channels have prevented fresh water, nutrients and sediment from reaching wetlands. This has converted many another(prenominal) to open water. more or less wetlands were even used as dumping commits for the government of household and industrial wastes Today, both scientists and the government recognize the ma... ..., enhance sedimentation, and enhanced peat formation. These measures must be taken seriously and immediately before we and our animals are paying the stately price for our own irresponsibility Back to table of contentsResources Information from the spare-time activity articles and web sites was used in writing this siteEPA Global heating plant Site http//www.epa.gov/globalwarming/ events About Wetlands http//www.epa.gov/OWOW/wetlands/ facts.htmlGLY 1073 Electronic Tutor http//ess.geology.ufl.edu/NASA Fact Sheets http//pao.gsfc.nasa.gov/gsfc/service/ bearing/ fact_sheets/earthsci/green.htmTitus, J.G., Sea Level Rise and Wetland Loss An Overview http// www.epa.gov/oppeoee1/globalwarming/reports/pubs/ sealevel/index.htmlWetland Processes and determine http//h2osparc.wq.ncsu.edu/info/ wetlands/funval.html Melting Glaciers are Devastating for Wetlands Essay example -- GeologyMelting Glaciers Great News for Titanic, Devastating for WetlandsOverview This essay is dedicated to the importance of wetlands and the impending danger of rising sea levels due to global warming. Hi storically we humans have taken for granted the numerous vital roles played by wetlands in our ecosystem and viewed them only as unpleasant and undesirable. So we have destroyed much of our wetlands, and now that we finally see how important they are we are going to lose what little wetlands remain to rising sea levels.What are wetlands? Wetlands are, quite simply wet lands. The word wetlands is the collective term for marshes, swamps, bogs, and similar areas. Here in Florida, wetlands are quite abundant. They can also be found in nearly every county and climactic zone in the United States. However, more than half of Americas wetlands have been destroyed by man and his historically negative view of the vital waters. In general, wetlands are not very pleasant to humans to be around. Not only do they lack the beauty and grandeur of lakes, oceans and waterfalls, but they are also home to mosquitoes, flies, unpleasant odors and disease. Furthermore, wetlands tend to cov er a large area that would be desirable to developers and farmers. Thus, wetlands were popularly and quickly drained and converted to farmlands or filled for housing developments and industrial facilities. Also, flood control levees and navigation channels have prevented fresh water, nutrients and sediment from reaching wetlands. This has converted many to open water. Some wetlands were even used as dumping sites for the disposal of household and industrial wastes Today, both scientists and the government recognize the ma... ..., enhanced sedimentation, and enhanced peat formation. These measures must be taken seriously and immediately before we and our animals are paying the horrible price for our own irresponsibility Back to ContentsResources Information from the following articles and web sites was used in writing this siteEPA Global Warming Site http//www.epa.gov/globalwarming/Facts About Wetlands http//www.epa.gov/OWOW/wetlands/ facts.htmlGLY 1073 Electroni c Tutor http//ess.geology.ufl.edu/NASA Fact Sheets http//pao.gsfc.nasa.gov/gsfc/service/gallery/ fact_sheets/earthsci/green.htmTitus, J.G., Sea Level Rise and Wetland Loss An Overview http// www.epa.gov/oppeoee1/globalwarming/reports/pubs/ sealevel/index.htmlWetland Processes and Values http//h2osparc.wq.ncsu.edu/info/ wetlands/funval.html

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