Tuesday, May 26, 2020
What Do Private School Teachers Earn
There is no doubt that private school teachers are worth their weight in gold. Nonetheless, generally, private school teachers earn less than public school teachers. Recent data from PayScale show that teachers at private high schools earn about $49,000 on average, while their counterparts at public schools earn an average of $49,500. Public school teachers in large urban districts, such as Chicago and New York City, can earn close more than double that amount, pulling in close to or well over $100,000. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also keeps data about salaries in private and public K-12 education. Check out these stats from Payscale.com: Median Salary by Job - Industry: Non-Religious Private K-12 Education (United States)Median Salary by Job - Industry: Public K-12 Education (United States) Historically, private school teachers have made less than public school teachers. That is especially true at boarding schools, where teachers have significant benefit packages that include complimentary housing in addition to a salary. Regardless, teachers at both public and private schools would likely argue that they should earn more. After all, they are critical in creating tomorrow’s leaders, and it has been shown that teachers can have a life-long effect on their students. Public school teachers are often members of unions that advocate for them, while private school faculty are not usually part of unions. While teachers are valuable and should, in an ideal world, be paid well, teachers often accept lower pay at private schools because the work environment can be more supportive than that at some public schools. In general, private school teachers have more resources than public school teachers do, and they also enjoy smaller class sizes and other benefits. In general, classes at private schools are about 10-15 students (though they may be larger and generally have two teachers in lower schools), and this size allows teachers to understand their students more completely and how to reach them. It is beneficial and rewarding for a teacher to be able to reach a student in a small class and to foster discussion and participation that encourages learning. In addition, private school teachers may be able to teach a specific elective or coach a team, adding to their enjoyment and sometimes to their salary, as private school teachers can often earn a stipend for additional duties at their scho ols. Who Earns More Among Private School Teachers? For the most part, teachers at parochial schools earn less, as it has generally been accepted that they teach at these schools for spiritual rewards, in addition to earning a living. Teachers at boarding schools generally earn less than those at private day schools because part of their salary is in the form of room and board, which accounts for about 25-35% of their income. Teachers at schools with large endowments, which are usually older schools with a sizeable alumni and alumnae body and a good development program, generally earn more. In addition, teachers at private schools sometimes are able to apply for grants or other types of gifts to allow them to travel, earn advanced education, or carry out other types of activities that improve their teaching. Headmasters’ pay, unlike that of the average private school teacher, can be quite high. The average pay of a private school headmaster is about $300,000, and many of the headmasters at competitive boarding and day schools more than $500,000 a year, in part because they have extensive responsibilities, including fundraising and the financial stewardship of the school. In addition, headmasters often receive free housing and sometimes other forms of compensation such as retirement plans. Their salaries have climbed in recent years, as the top schools vie for the leadership of the top administrators in the field. While teaching in a private school can be rewarding, it does pay, quite literally, for parents and students to remember that their teachers are not always well compensated. While gifts are not necessary (though a few teachers might disagree with me on this point) and may in fact even be discouraged by the school, it is worthwhile to reward your hard-working teachers with a handwritten note at the end of the year. Most will treasure such forms of compensation. Article updated by Stacy Jagodowski.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Death Of The Nazi Party - 1636 Words
Lauren Pagel Mrs. Harmon Honors English Period 7 9 Sept. 2016 Word Count: 1,638 Twelve Twelve. The age where boys around the world go to junior high for the first time. The age where some boys have braces on their crooked teeth. The age where the voice of some boys becomes deeper. Twelve for me means none of that. Twelve marks the year when a member of the Nazi party could knock on our door and take me away. Twelve marks the age that I might never see my family again. Growing up with the frenzy of the war outside my bedroom window seized my childish qualities and innocence away from me. I do not have the option to play in the street like the others. I cannot casually walk in the Berlin plaza freely, as it seems that every five seconds a Nazi soldier stops to question me. I have seen guiltless people shot to death on the sidewalk by ruthless soldiers under Adolf Hitler’s command. I have seen brainwashed boys that I used to go to school with do the dirty work for Hitler. I have seen things that the little boys and girls in America have not even seen in their nightmares. Being only eleven years old, I cannot remember the day my older brother went with the soldiers. They took him to a camp in order to train--in order to be like them. I really only know what my parents told me, and they don’t know that much either. The whole situation still remains a conundrum, and now it seems that my brother became like those before him, cold and lifeless. It alarms me that in twoShow MoreRelatedGeorg Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party1402 Words  | 6 Pagesdid George Lincoln Rockwell found the American Nazi Party and how successful was it by the time of his death in 1967? Introduction: Thirteen years following the end of WWII and the exposure of the Nazi’s and their atrocities worldwide, 1958 should have been a year where the ideologies of Hitler were no longer seen as acceptable, none the less adopted. 1958 is the year which the American Nazi Party, a fascist neo-Nazi organisation in America with Nazi ideologies at its core, was started by a manRead MoreDystopian Societies And Progression Towards Equality Essay1596 Words  | 7 PagesHow could a young boy who wanted to become an artist, turn into a sadistic and mass murdering dictator? Adolf Hitler, during his time of power, was responsible for millions of deaths and leading Germany into a dystopian society. A dystopian society is a place of human misery that is ruled by a totalitarian government that makes choices for their own benefit not the people s; Adolf Hitler made Germany dystopian by being the sole power and eliminating or suppressing his opposition. Hitler was ableRead MoreThe Holocaust And Th e Nazi Party1312 Words  | 6 Pagesmillions of Jews that were discriminated against and murdered during the Holocaust since the Nazi Party’s rise to dictatorship in Germany in 1933. The ghettos only served as temporary holding establishments of the Jewish people before they were transported to Extermination and Concentration camps. Once a ghetto had been cleared of its Jewish inhabitants, more were moved in before they too were transported to the death camps. The Concentration camps worked to utilise the manual labor force of the JewsRead MoreNazism Political Party1051 Words  | 5 PagesGerman Worker’s Party, commonly abbreviated Nazi, was a political party which held nationalist and racist ideologies. Emphasising a great deal on military and complete totalitarianism, the Nazi Party sent a wave of unrest through all of Europe. While the party ushered in what was thought to be a new Germany with its Third Reich, many Nazi values were questionable. With a lasting political impact, the Nazis caused quite the stir before, during, and after the second World War. The party itself was formedRead MoreConsolidation of Nazi Power773 Words  | 4 PagesNazi Consolidation of Power 1933-34 The consolidation of power by the Nazi’s was absolute and effective in the years 1933-34 in Germany. Hitler used a range of events such as the Reichstag fire and Hindenburg’s death to act as a catalyst to achieve his final goal, as the undisputed Fuhrer, by august of 1934. Also the passing of certain laws such â€Å"the protection of People and State Act†and the â€Å"Enabling act†gave the Nazi’s further power to consolidate their position as the only party in GermanyRead MoreConsolidation of Nazi Power 1933-1934 Essay1228 Words  | 5 PagesAccount for the initial consolidation of Nazi power in 1933 - 1934 Due to the failure of the Weimar Republic and general public dissatisfaction arising from poor economic conditions exacerbated by the Treaty of Versailles, coupled with the 1929 Wall Street Crash, German citizens were understandably desperate for change. Until this point in time the Nazi party, and Hitler, had been essentially unpopular. However, the economic situation ensured Hitler’s increasing popularity as the people lookedRead MoreThe Nazis And The Holocaust1385 Words  | 6 PagesIhr Kampf The Nazis, who came to power in Germany in January 1933, believed that Germans were â€Å"racially superior†and that Jews, were â€Å"inferior†and were a â€Å"threat†to the German Racial community: this was the idea behind the Holocaust, meaning â€Å"sacrifice by fire†. The Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million in 1933, most of these Jews lived in countries that the Nazis would soon occupy. By 1945, the Germans and collaborators killed two out of every three European Jews as part of theRead MoreHitler s Rise Of Power And Get His Fascist Ideas1639 Words  | 7 Pagesessay will talk about the life of the Nazi Party (also known as the National Socialist German Workers Party), Fascism in Germany, and Adolf Hitler. It will think about what influenced Germany to vote for the Nazis and whether or not Hitler was brought up with the idea of fascism, or whether he was mentally scarred from a young age. This essay will also discuss about how did the Nazis do in their early years in the German elections, and how did a fascist party with such ludicrous ideas persuade aRead MoreSpeer’s Rise in the Nazi Party Essay953 Words  | 4 PagesSpeer’s Rise in the Nazi Party Albert Speer rose from a mere architect to be one of the most influential Nazi leaders of the Third Reich, and self-admittedly Hitler’s closest friend. As a young, struggling architect Speer joined the Nazi Party as a ‘Septemberling’, and subsequently began to design many of the displays and structures that succeeded in promoting the Fuhrer Myth. Within the NSDAP Speer progressed to the position of Minister for Armaments and War ProductionRead More Accounts Of The Holocaust Essays1193 Words  | 5 PagesThe Holocaust was the systematic annihilation of six million Jews by the Nazi regime during the Second World War. I will tell the story of the Holocaust through many different personal accounts of people involved in many different sides of this incredible story. I will do this by using the personal accounts of surviving victims, of those not directly involved in the event, though affected by it, and the defense of the Nazi party. But first, I will tell you a little about the event. The Holocaust began
Friday, May 15, 2020
Good Fellas - 890 Words
GoodFellas What is a gangster? A gangster or mobster is a criminal member of a crime organization. It is a criminal organization that associates with the Italian Mafia. Its an addictive way of life that leads to two places; six feet under or in jail. However, everyone wants to be a gangster. Is it because of the power, the fame or the fortune. In the classic movie â€Å"GoodFellas†the characters Henry Hill, Jimmy Conway and Tommy DeVito grow up to be gangsters. They experience many life- threatening situations that ultimately prove they were born to be gangsters. They become successful, daring and dangerous all at one time. The film takes place in East New York in the heart of an Italian neighborhood. Controlled by the Mafia. Everyone knows†¦show more content†¦Most young adults then settle for less and when they experience failure blame it on situational causes. Henry Hill settled late in the movie to be a drug dealer because he believed that was the only way to get back in life. Instead of listening to Paulie, his mentor, he decided to move past it. Henry got caught up in the lane of life that he forgot about the risk he was taking. As a result, he failed. He was busted and thought the best way to get out was to blame it on everyone that influenced him in the beginning. The world is full of influence. People all across the world are influenced to do things everyday. Whether they are influenced for good or evil there are numerous factors that contribute to their influence. One factor the Solomon Arch experiment observed was conformity. Conformity is changing one’s own behavior to match that of other people. People conform to those that surround them because of the number of confederates, type of response given and when the entire group agrees they decide to agree. People also are influenced by obedience. Changing one’s behavior at the command of an authority figure influences many people. The characters of the movie â€Å"GoodFe llas†were influenced by numerous thing; some more than others. They all learned something from one another. When people learn anything some part of their brain is physically changed to record what they have learned. However, Henry, Jimmy and Tommy never learned theirShow MoreRelatedGood Fellas : A Classic Mafia Film1266 Words  | 6 PagesIn the time where mobster business ruled the streets of New York, Good Fellas is a classic mafia film that brings a little bit of everything to the round table; the violence, the profanity, the sex, the drugs, and especially the money. â€Å"Forget about it!†It will have you on the edge of your seat, entertained and desiring to see more of it. Directed by Martin Scorsese, Good Fellas’, takes place in the 1960’s and 70’s in the beautiful state of New York. Mobsters were walking idols for the eyes ofRead MorePersonal Statement : Keeping It Moving1849 Words  | 8 Pagesignored is that you must do something t hat makes you happy. You will not succeed if you hate what you are doing. Happiness is the best motivator of all because you will place yourself in a frame of mind where you will want to continue achieving that good feeling as Steve Jobs said â€Å"You have to have a passion for what you’re doing. You have to love it or you will give up. If you don’ love it, you’re going to fail.†I can only agree with those sentiments. Throughout these pages, I have not only toldRead MoreBiography Of Kanye Omari West On His Intensity And His Genius At Writing Music845 Words  | 4 Pagesunder the Jay-Z’s record label, Roc-a-fella Records to begin his rapping career and eventually change the hip hop scene permanently (Contractmusic). West was not always the successful rapper/producer that he came to be; he was actually a college dropout when his career actually started. â€Å"College Dropout,†ironically, was the name of his first album in 2004, and he made it all while having his jaw wired shut (Shmoop). That album, which was released by Roc-a-fella Records, went on to sell 2.6 millionRead MoreJay Z the Rap Artist and Business Mogul: His Rise to the Top Essay924 Words  | 4 PagesJay-Z took multitasking to a new level. He had many accomplishments including his musical career, co-owning the 40-40 club, partially owning the New Jersey Nets, and creating Rocawear. He also was the CEO of Def Jam Recordings, a founder of Roc-A-Fella Records, and the founder of Roc Nation. He also changed the face of Hip-Hop from baggy to dressy. What does this say about his time management? I would say that this says Jay-Z took time management and put a new face on it. He showed that he knew howRead MoreAnalysis Of Kanye W est Is The Definition Of Controversy1890 Words  | 8 PagesHis big break happened in 2000, where he began to produce for Roc-A-Fella Records, with influential artists such as Jay-Z on board. Kanye is credited with bringing Jay-Z’s career back to the limelight, with his production values on â€Å"The Blueprint,†which is often ranked as one of the greatest hip hop records. This success created an incredible amount of interest in West as a producer. Producing as an in-house producer at Roc A Fella, he also produced hit singles for artists such as Ludacris, AliciaRead MoreKanye West: Life of the Progressive Hip-Hop Star961 Words  | 4 PagesJay-Z. His first major breakthrough came from producing Jay-Z’s â€Å"The Blueprint† which is certified 2x platinum. Kanye believed he could be a successful rapper as well, but music executives didnt believe he had it in him. That all changed when Roc-A-Fella records signed Kanye to their label, and gave h im a chance to shine as a rapper. Kanye’s background, critical analysis, and importance all shows that he has become one of the most important characters in American hip-hop culture to this day. KanyeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Original Version Of Kanye Wests Latest Single Power2029 Words  | 9 Pagesreleased late on June 30, 2010. This single will appear on West s 5th album entitled, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, which is set to release on November 22, 2010. The song, as well as the album, was co-produced by West and S1 under the Roc-A-Fella Records label (billboard.com). The original version of â€Å"Power†was given the label of explicit due to the amount of profanity and vulgarity in the lyrics. However, a radio edited and condensed version was released pairing the song down to almostRead MoreRichard Flanagan s The Narrow Road2293 Words  | 10 Pageshow we act, through this we are forced to assume roles based on how others view and perceive us. Both through our close friends and family and the broader media and society, these stereotypes and attitudes from which we develop into can be both for good and bad. It is through these expectations and social pressures that greatness can be developed in people, but is also though these expectations great evil and cruelty can be developed within people. Throughout Richard Flanagan’s The Narrow Road toRead MoreRichard Flanagan s The Narrow Road2324 Words  | 10 Pageshow we act, through this we are forced to assume roles based on how others view and perceive us. Both through our close friends and family and the broader media and society, these stereotypes and attitudes from which we develop into can be both for good and bad. It is through these expectations and social pressures that greatness can be developed in people, but is also though these expectations great evil and cruelty can be developed within people. It is from their struggle and their story that IRead MoreThe Theme Of Cinderella826 Words  | 4 Pagesmakes up a Cinderella movie. Most of the gender roles are reversed and a guy named Fella is left with his stepmom and two wicked stepbrothers, Maximillian and Rubert. To gain more money, the stepmother throws a ball to honor a Princess, so she can marry one of her sons. During the movie, the stepmother wants to know where her deceased husband hid the money for Fella and Maximillian proposed the idea to be nice to Fella because he has been receiving dreams on where the stash is hidden. This movie mainly
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
William Shakespeare s King Lear - 846 Words
In Shakespeare s King Lear, families are torn apart and are dysfunctional. Dysfunctional meaning that they don’t interact with each other properly or normally as would be seen in other families. The families are also dysfunctional in the way that they stray from normal social behavior. In the play King Lear ,families are against each other. There are many causes for this, these causes make family members act harshly against each other, and finally their actions leave negative effects on the family as a whole. The play starts with King Lear asking, well more like demanding that his daughters pronounce their undying love for him, Goneril along with Regan comply with his request while Cordelia refuses. This brings the first cause that can cause rifts in the family relations the kings, Goneril and Regan s selfishness/greed bring the first problem. The king that wants the world to know how loved he is, which is why he is demanding to have his daughters proclaim their love for him. While the two sisters only do it because they know that great inheritance will come from it and Cordelia chooses to keep her integrity instead. King Lear’s pride and greed are what caused him to disown his favorite child as can be seen in Act 1 scene 1 line 232 where Lear states that Cordelia is â€Å"unfriended†, she is â€Å"new-adopted to their hate†. She has lost her family because of Lear’s, her father s pride, greed and selfishness. In Shakespeare s King Lear there is also a lot of mistrust ,or inShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear1550 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION: By facilitating the growth of evil within William Shakespeare’s King Lear, it is evident that the tragedy’s protagonist, King Lear can be held accountable for his own victimization and ultimate downfall. The most notable aspects of this self-induced victimization include Lear’s own lack of practical wisdom and divergence from the natural order, combined with the neglect of kingship, that enables Lear as a tragic hero to create the conceptual framework in which the ulterior motives ofRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear1564 Words  | 7 PagesWilliam Shakespeare is universally known for his literary output both in poetry and drama. Whether through his laugh-invoking comedies or his heart-wrenching tragedies, Shakespeare’s plays have changed the course of literature. Many of his plays about love are widely praised by all, but Shakespeare s King Lear differs from the rest due to its definition of love. King Lear serves as an battleground between decept ion and compassion, between flattery and honesty. Rather than focusing on romantic loveRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear3086 Words  | 13 PagesJerion Young Ms. Woods English IV 4 March 2015 King Lear William Shakespeare uses several literary elements in his writing, elements which are especially apparent in his play, King Lear. Shakespeare uses excellent creativity and description when writing this tragedy. â€Å"Neither has Shakespeare placed in the mouth of any other character in this play such fatalistic expressions as may be found in King Lear and occasionally elsewhere†(A.C. 2003). The way King Lear talks in this play is very evil compared toRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear1611 Words  | 7 Pagesexperience life-changing events that jeopardize our sense of identity and make us question how we value ourselves. Our perception of our worth can change with what we learn through our existence, much like the characters in the play King Lear by William Shakespeare. Adversity and hardship are inevitable when characters are unable to connect themselves within their own identity or find a loss of self at some point in their role. The self-awareness, an essential a spect of their role, of many ofRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear1320 Words  | 6 Pagesothers. Having strong communication skills allows one to better understand the situation at hand. Proper communication is essential to working out problems because of this reason. In the play King Lear by William Shakespeare, Lear communicating with his daughters, Gloucester communicating with his sons, and Lear communicating with Kent are all examples of failure of communication, which later lead to consequences and hardships that the characters must face. Without proper communication, people willRead MoreBlindness By William Shakespeare s King Lear2212 Words  | 9 PagesMaysoun Deeb Mr. A. T. Lebar EN4UN-04 13 July 2015 King Lear Blindness by definition, according to dictionaries, is â€Å"unable to see and lacking the sense of sight†by which King Lear, the classic tragic play written by William Shakespeare, illustrated the concept of blindness amongst his characters as the leading theme. King Lear and Gloucester were the characters that have been conflicted by this â€Å"blindness†that may or may not change their personalities in the very end of the play. Gloucester becomesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear1546 Words  | 7 PagesTwo Sides to Every Person There are two sides to every story; that of the protagonist and that of the antagonist. As shown in the Shakespearean play King Lear, there is very little difference between the two. Edmund, who appears to be a villain, is more than meets the eye. His evil is a rebellion against the social order that denies him legitimacy. His villainy does not come from innate cruelty but from misdirected desire for familial love. His remorse in the end displays his humanity and blindnessRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear1510 Words  | 7 PagesShakespeare’s King Lear deals with tragic human relationship like the other tragedies of the author, but this story was written in social aspect and raises the doubtful point on legitimacy of some political systems. In this play, various characters form multi-layered kconflict relations. Thus, the story is being propelled towards tragedy due to numerous inner and outer conflicts of each character. However, as it is brought into being a charact er, Edgar in the end of the story, it implies new beginningRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear1470 Words  | 6 Pagesduring the Elizabethan era, making it relatable to all audiences, especially the modern audience, leaving room for multiple perspectives and understanding of the play. Shakespeare’s play ‘King Lear’, depicts the main protagonist’s ‘gradual descent into madness’ as a result of the forces of evil acting in the play for Lear has, to an extent, have sinned though it can’t outweigh that he has been sinned against. This is confirmed through Lear’s injudiciousness to see through his two eldest daughter’s internalRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear 1306 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"All...shall taste the wages of their virtue...the cup of their deservings. (5.3.317-320)†King Lear is frequently regarded as one of Shakespeare’s masterpieces, and its tragic scope touches almost all facets of the human condition: from the familial tensions between parents and children to the immoral desires of power, from the follies of pride to the false projections of glory. However, one theme rings true throughout the play, and that very theme is boundless suffering, accentuated by the gruesome
Rob Elliot s Ethics And Ethics - 885 Words
Rob Elliot’s Ethics Rob Elliot, who had worked at the MGM resort international for a total of fifteen years as Vice President accomplishing many things. He had come up with the design of the license plate that says, â€Å"Welcome to Las Vegas†which is seen all around town here in Vegas. Before Rob had come to the MGM he had worked for the government. Elliot had come to our class last week to talk about the importance of ethics. Ethics and character are what were made up of, and why it is an important part in the hospitality as well as the hotel industry. Who you are as a person can come along way, not just in school but in life as well. Ethics is considered a reality check, but overall having an experience is a key component. With ethics you must know the difference of good and bad vs. right and wrong. Rob Elliot discussed what the Headline Rule is and its importance. The Headline Rule is having a positive reputation of the company, and not doing something that puts the company on the front page of a paper or headline in a negative way. People believe that being on the front page of the news is always a positive thing, but in some cases that could not be true in the hospitality world. When you work for a company, you represent them on the clock as well as off the clock. You must think to yourself about your actions and what effect they might encounter at that moment or in the long run. Rob Elliot said he believes that once your integrity is gone, you have nothing left atShow MoreRelated The Removal of Prayer from Public Schools Essay4217 Words  | 17 Pagesinstruction was to be offered. All public schools would now educate students in the three R’s and leave religion to the churches.†2 This action led to the creation of church-led Sunday school’s, that we re to give religious instruction. By the 1950’s, Americans began to grow concerned about the morality of their children, especially since â€Å"the common school inculcates all Christian morals; it founds its morals on the basis of religion; it welcomes the religion of the Bible.†3 School boards acrossRead More FIFA Corruption Essay examples2621 Words  | 11 Pageshas multiplied the number by 2 and gained more helpers, as the association has gained interest to other workers. Before Havelange resigned from his job in 1998, he has introduced the U-17, U-20, and the Womens World Cup during the late 1980’s to the early 1990’s. The next president is Sepp Blatter who started his job in 1998 until now. Sepp Blatter, who is a Swiss has caused a lot of downfall and made tons of corruption issues to FIFA, making the association at the worst that it’s ever been. The firstRead MoreSolution Manual, Test Bank and Instructor Manuals34836 Words  | 140 PagesGeorge S. Kriz, Gary M. Lampma n, Randall G. Engel (IM) A People and a Nation A History of the United States, Brief Edition, Volume I, 9th Edition_Mary Beth Norton, Carol Sheriff, David W. Blight, Howard P. Chudacoff, A People and a Nation A History of the United States, Volume II Since 1865, 9th Edition_Mary Beth Norton, Carol Sheriff, David W. Blight, Howard P. Chudacoff, Fredrik A Small Scale Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques, 3rd Edition _Donald L. Pavia, Gary M. Lampman, George S. KrizRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 PagesCongress Subject Headings: Principles and Application, Fourth Edition Lois Mai Chan Developing Library and Information Center Collections, Fifth Edition G. Edward Evans and Margaret Zarnosky Saponaro Metadata and Its Impact on Libraries Sheila S. Intner, Susan S. Lazinger, and Jean Weihs Organizing Audiovisual and Electronic Resources for Access: A Cataloging Guide, Second Edition Ingrid Hsieh-Yee Introduction to Cataloging and Classification, Tenth Edition Arlene G. Taylor LIbRaRy and InfoRMaTIonRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 Pages[Weber] attempted to show that the relations between systems of ideas and social structures were multiform and varied and that causal connections went in both directions, rather than from infrastructure to super- structure alone.†1 In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Weber makes this point quite explicitly.2 He demonstrates that a group of people armed with a set of ideas and ideals went about organizing their lives according to those ideas and ideals. As a result, they ended upRead MoreAnalysis of the Causes and Measures of Curbing Fraud in the Banking Sector25289 Words  | 102 Pagescontrol system is a major cause of fraud in banks, fraud affects the strategic growth in banking operations, the benefits of the measures of curbing fraud in banks, outweigh the cost of adopting such measures. Finally, it was recommended that The bank s control system should be of high priority both at management and operational levels, the regulatory authorities have a responsibility of exposing staff to the dynamics of modern day banking operations, The level of punishment meted out to fraudstersRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words  | 860 PagesCanada 118 Riverview Children s Hospital 124 The Evolution of Project Management at Quixtar 145 3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT CULTURES 151 Como Tool and Die (A) 153 Como Tool and Die (B) 157 Apache Metals, Inc. 160 Haller Specialty Manufacturing 162 The NF3 Project: Managing Cultural Differences 163 An International Project Manager s Day (A) 172 An International Project Manager s Day (B) (see handout provided by instructor) An International Project Manager s Day (C) (see handout provided byRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 Pagestheir wives (Kevin and Dawn, Robert and Sally) and their children (Ryan, Carly, Connor and Lauren). C.F.G. â€Å"We must not cease from exploration and the end of all exploring will be to arrive where we begin and to know the place for the first time.†T. S. Eliot To Ann whose love and support has brought out the best in me. And, to our girls Mary, Rachel, and Tor-Tor for the joy and pride they give me. Finally, to my muse, Neil, for the faith and inspiration he instills. E.W.L Preface Since youRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesSurveillance, 1865–1926†(M.A. thesis, Georgia State University, 2007), 79. 33. J. William Leasure and Robert A. Lewis, â€Å"Internal Migration in Russia in the Late Nineteenth Century,†Slavic Review 27, no. 3 (1968): 375–394; J. William Leasure and Rob- WORLD MIGRATION IN THE LONG TWENTIETH CENTURY †¢ 49 ert A. Lewis, â€Å"Internal Migration in the USSR: 1897–1926,†Demography 4, no. 2 (1967): 479–496. 34. Annemarie Steidl, Engelbert Stockhammer, and Hermann Zeitlhofer, â€Å"Relations among
Fitness And Training Essay Example For Students
Fitness And Training Essay Fitness that once started as a trend in the late 70s has become more of a lifestyle than a fad today. Personal trainers are a good idea to help you on your way to get fit, or stay fit. Anyone can be a personal trainer if they want to; the only prerequisite is that you enjoy fitness and a healthy lifestyle. Trainers have a wide variety of different certificates, which allow them to be able to train people legally in B.C. There are four basic certificates that a person must have in order to train in B.C. They are, British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (B.C.R.P. A), Fitness Theory, Individual Training and, Personal Training Certificate. Being healthy has become very popular in Victoria, and continues to grow every day. In fact it has become one of the number one activities in Victoria. Every day thousands of people go to the gym, or go for a run for exercise. Its been proven by studies that the average person whishes that they where in better physical shape, and working out is the best way to change that. In order to exercise properly, and to achieve the maxim results, you should have a personal trainer to show you the best way to accomplish your goals. A), Fitness Theory, Individual Training and, Personal Training Certificate. Being healthy has become very popular in Victoria, and continues to grow every day. In fact it has become one of the number one activities in Victoria. Every day thousands of people go to the gym, or go for a run for exercise. Its been proven by studies that the average person whishes that they where in better physical shape, and working out is the best way to change that. In order to exercise properly, and to achieve the maxim results, you should have a personal trainer to show you the best way to accomplish your goals. To become a personal trainer you must complete the minimum requirements under lined your province. The B.C.R.P.A course is the first course you must study and complete. After completing this you to be able to instruct people how to reach their physical goals in B.C. The course is $215 dollars and can take from one week to three depending on whether you are taking the course full time or not. It covers the basics of recreational leadership and safety. The second certificate is Fitness Theory. The cost is $130 dollars; this course teaches you about the different muscles in the human body. After learning all of the different muscle groups you will learn how muscles and tendons heal and how to prevent injury. This course will take three weeks to complete, and will certify you to be a trainer nationally in Canada. The next step consists of two different areas; it is recommended that you take both courses. The first is the Individual training certificate. This course teaches you interpersonal skills, and the best possible environments for personal training, and goes further into safety. This course is $215 dollars and runs for two weeks. The second area that is recommended to take is the strength-training course. This course is closely related to the last one, that is why it is recommended. The cost is the same as the last one, $215 dollars. This course goes further into detail in how muscles grow and heal. The course also introduces new exercises to promote strength and endurance. The final certificate you must complete, in order to achieve the minimum requirements is the Personal Trainers certificate. The cost of the course is $300 dollars and runs for 3 weeks. This course reviews what you have already learned as well as teaching you how to write a program that would best suit your client. After you have completed all of these courses you will have to take a final exam which consists of a written part and a trial session where a certified trainer will act as your client, and you will go though all the stages of being a personal trainer to show the teacher that you are a competent trainer and that you have proper safety techniques. The final cost to be certified as a personal trainer in British Columbia is $1075 dollars, and it will take around three months to complete depending on how fast you complete the courses. After you have been certified you can continue to increase your knowledge and upgrade your qualifications. It would be beneficial to your career if you updated and took some other related courses that would improve your knowledge of the human body. .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d , .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d .postImageUrl , .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d , .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d:hover , .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d:visited , .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d:active { border:0!important; } .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d:active , .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u46c9338d64e30bdbcb004af5d83e242d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Endeering Day Spa Essay First aid is a recommended course that you take so that you will be prepared for an accident if one where to happen. Also taking nutrition course would be a good idea to help you with your clients if they wish to lose weight. Not only that but being a certified trainer as well as a certified nutritionist would look very good on a resume. The benefits of being a personal trainer is that you dont have to do it full time. Many trainers have other fulltime jobs, or go to school and .
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Information Governance Practices and Related Trends
Question: Discuss about the Information Governance for Practices and Related Trends. Answer: Introduction This assessment will critically analyze the Information Governance practices and related trends by using two journal article sources. According to an article given by Wilkin and Chenhall (2010), the Information Governance is a cross-disciplinary approach that an organization uses to maximize the value of their information system by reducing the costs and risks through a sequence of activities and technologies. Another article byKooper, Maes, and Lindagreen (2011) states that the Information Governance comprises of the rules, legislations, regulations, information standards, metrics and policies that the organizations are required to comply while creating, sharing and using information. Critical Evaluation of Information Governance The information Governance includes an accountability framework to create a desirable behavior in the valuation, creation, usage, storage, archival and deletion of information. The first Article shows that the Information Governance is important to avoid the organizations from the fraud due to security controls and inadequate privacy, and poor quality of data. It holds controls, responsibility, accountability, authority of information system. The Information Governance is aimed at obtaining the information fairly and lawfully, holding the security and confidential of data, recording the information accurately and reliably, using the data ethically and efficiently, and finally, sharing the information appropriately and legally. Another article evaluates that the objectives of Information Governanceare associated with accountability, transparency, credibility of information system through high operational excellence and better information governance. It is aimed at producing an ongoing record of organizations information management systems and processes. The information Governance is focused on gaining consistence in the information compliance by following th e regulatory framework and legislations of the Australian Government(American Accounting Association, 2010). It protects the interests of the stakeholders by informing them through continuous information infrastructure system. The First article evaluates that the Information Governance provides an appropriate structure to the organization that links the IT processes, IT resources and information to the organizational goals and structures. It introduces the new ways of planning, acquiring, organizing, directing, controlling, delivering, supporting and monitoring IT performance.It empowers the employees by enabling them to respond to the growing environmental challenges. The second article evaluates that in some Australian organizations, the information governance fails because of the insufficient organizational commitment, lack of clear purpose, organizational change management and political instability, and inability to coordinate and design information governance. Along with this, it is not person specific or organization because the scope of information governance extends beyond the organizationalboundaries as it comprises of global laws as well as local Australian laws and regulations(Wilkin and Chenhal l, 2010). As per evaluations from the first article, it is identified that the Audit plan is referred as a process of designing an internal control system, information compliance through designed control system, and evaluation of efficiency of information control system.The Information governance audits can be classified into different categories including information audits, quality audits, operational audits, application audits, physical access units and logical access units. The information audit verifies the information produced/analyzed/processed/exchanged by the information system. The operational audits verify the effectiveness and adequacy of the information and ensure its availability for the business operations. The quality audit containsquality of data by including various dimensions of information design usage and control. The General controls audit includes the supervision and control of the management on information processing and hold it either operational or information complia nce based. The application audit analyzes the audits for the application system to be used in the information management. The physical access unit considers the physical audits to access to the corporate objectives for the organization(Khatri and Brown, 2010). The logical access audits includes access to better information management control for connecting the different organizational activities, processes and people by using the interconnectivity of computer system, intranet, extranet, and internet sources. Another article states that the audit planning process analyzes whether the task or project is implemented against the set information standards. The auditing process presents report on adequacy and applicability of operational standards. The auditing process provides an extent of compliance with corporate standards. It provides adequacy and application of system development standards and effectiveness of application systems. The Audit planning process contains the sequence of tasks to be performed, allocation of tasks to the auditors, and commencement of task. The audit planning process ensures the availability of the information through using computer sources(Kooper, Maes and Lindgreen, 2011). An efficient audit plan seeks the approval of the stakeholders, establishing the key performance objectives, identifying key performance indicators, assessing risks and threats for the optimum performance results, selecting the cross-disciplinary team, coordinating audit with other works, rev iewing all documents, develop audit measurement and conduct audit tests. The first article evaluates that the auditing plan requires developing the audit programs and prepares audit report for making improvements or modifications in the information management and controls. The performance of auditing plan also depends on the final auditing report as it should be clear, concise, informational, specific, and timely for attaining better results. The skills, experiences, and knowledge of the auditing team are also imperative for creating value to the organization.From the reviews of another article, it is identified that the auditing process is a typical organizational process which requires the computer assisted auditing tools, accounting knowledge, information management and data analysis skills, interpersonal skills, data reporting, Information security controls, system analysis skills, computer programming and auditing knowledge, information system and auditing software, and business analytical skills for the better auditing results and accountability of information systems. The Information System Quality assurance emphasizes the role of audit team and IS departmental members in assessing whether the IS audit is technically competent to provide the technical information to the organizational members and stakeholders by covering all areas of information system management and auditing. From the reviews of another article, it is evaluated that the auditing process should be subjective, learner-oriented, technical feasible, analytical, and practical that requires pre-planning for audit, data analysis and report, effective auditing tools and procedures, and follow up process for attaining better performance results. There are different types of risks associated with the organizational information system management and auditing process including technical risk, control risks, auditing risk, internal risk, and informational risks that should be managed by the IT/IS team to provide better accountability of information and effective management of business operati ons. The risks for the information sources and auditing process include security and privacy of data, excessive informational costs, fraudulent or hacking, robust management decisions, technical or server errors, disclosure of the information to others, and failure of the organizational information system to comply with the informational legislations and standards (Robinson, 2007). The risk assessment provides a framework for the effectiveness of risk management process by reducing the cost and threats involved in the information system management and auditing process. The risk management holds control on quality information by assessing the risk factors and external environmental threats. The Information Governance provides a legal framework for the management of the information sources. It is associated with meeting the informational and technological needs of an organization as well as its stakeholders in a legally and controlled environment. IS/IT control assists to create a technological infrastructure plan to provide the technological direction to support the business operations and activities. The IT project management is the application of skills, knowledge, tools, capabilities, and methods for implementing the project activities in order to meet the informational needs of different organizational stakeholders. The corporate code of conduct includes a directive control on the informational sources and ensures the accountability, honesty, integrity, security, morality, accountability, equality, and loyalty of the organizational information system (Haes, Wim and Grembergen,2009). The copyrights, patents, and trademarks are the organizational intellectual property rights that provide the security for the firms from the copyright violation, patent usage, stolen, or hackings, and insecurity of firms trademarks. The information privacy legislations provide the security of data and important information from being misused by others by ensuring the security of data. Conclusion The above evaluations from the both of articles conclude that an effective information governance structure in Australia is required for the organizations for linking the organizational information system and auditing process to comply with the local rules, legislations and regulation policies of the Australian government as well as global legalities. References American Accounting Association (2010).Value Relevance of FAS No. 157 Fair Value Hierarchy Information and the Impact of Corporate Governance Mechanisms,Journal of Information Corporate Governance, Vol. 85, Issue 4. Haes, D., Wim, S. and Grembergen,V. (2009) Moving From IT Governance to Enterprise Governance of IT,ISACA Journal, Vol. 3. Khatri, V. and Brown, V. C.(2010). Designing Data Governance,Communications of the ACM, Vol. 53, Issue 1. Kooper, M. N. R., Maes, E. E. O. and Lindgreen, R (2011). On the Governance of Information: Introducing a New Concept of Governance to Support the Management of Information,International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 31, no. 3. Robinson, N. (2007). The Many Faces of IT Governance: Crafting an IT Governance Structure, Information Systems Control Journal, Vol. 1. Wilkin, L. C. and Chenhall, H. R. (2010).A Review of IT Governance: A Taxonomy to Inform Accounting Information Systems,Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 107-146.
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