Wednesday, October 30, 2019
WITH REFERENCE TO NATIONAL ASTHMA GUIDELINES, DISCUSS THE IMMEDIATE TRETAMENT OPTIONS AND LONGER TERM ISSUES FOR A 15 YEAR OLD FEMALE PRESENTING WITH AN ACUTE A - Essay Example Once the wheezing is controlled and the patient is brought home from the hospital, she must have follow up visits on a regular basis in order to minotor her condition. Since Jane has been admitted on an emergency basis with severe difficulty in breathing, the first step is to dilate the airways. The lack of oxygen can be corrected through the use of high concentrations of inspired oxygen (40-60%) using a high flow mask such as the Hudson mask(BTS:6.3.1). ABG and PEF levels must be maintained at above 92% and 50% respectively. If PEF levels are not rising fast enough, continuous nebulisation may also be considered using B2 agonists (BTS:6.3.2). To provide instant relief in breathing the use of ipratropium in association with salbutamol or terbutaline may also be considered. This helps to release blocked airways and bring the asthma attack under control(Plotnick and Duchrame 2003). The combination of ipratropium with salbutamol or tetrabuline works faster since they go straight to the lungs (National Institute 2001:1-13). Once Jane is stabilized and out of the hospital, there is no need to continue the use of ipratropium, since it will not be beneficial. (Stoodley et al 1999:8-18). The main aim of the long term treatment is to bring some measure of control over the wheezing attacks, so that Jane can sleep well at night and engage in moderate levels of activity without getting an attack. Since anxiety also brings about an attack, the aim of long term treatment must be to provide a supportive psychological environment for Jane, so that she does not get easily stressed. Jane must be reassured that her condition is curable, even though she has had it for so long. Because of her long history with asthma, Jane is likely to consider herself as a sick child who cannot play or be active. But she must first be counseled that she can also lead a fairly normal life, with a proper regimen of
Monday, October 28, 2019
Using a PC Correctly and Safely Essay Example for Free
Using a PC Correctly and Safely Essay Born in 1812 the second child of a Navy Pay officer, life was never going to be easy for Charles Dickens. In his infant years Dickens had his fair share of bad luck. He knew how it felt to be cold, miserable, poor and altogether unhappy. Soon Dickens father was in debt and was sent to Marshalsea Prison, London. This unfortunate turn meant a 12 year old Dickens had to go and work in a shoe-blacking factory. This embarrassed him for all his life and he felt it was humiliation. Born in 1812 the second child of a Navy Pay officer, life was never going to be easy for Charles Dickens. In his infant years Dickens had his fair share of bad luck. He knew how it felt to be cold, miserable, poor and altogether unhappy. Soon Dickens father was in debt and was sent to Marshalsea Prison, London. This unfortunate turn meant a 12 year old Dickens had to go and work in a shoe-blacking factory. This embarrassed him for all his life and he felt it was humiliation. Dickens was determined not to be the same as his father and managed to get work as a solicitors clerk, and then moved onto a form of journalism for the political debates. Dickens successfully managed to convey what he felt about Victorian England in his books; often they featured under privileged children (Oliver Twist), and other aspects of being poor and needy. Dickens tried hard to let people know about the people working in the workhouses and the terrible conditions they worked in (David Copperfield). He tried to make the more noble class respect the less fortunate and be kinder to the homeless and needy. In his lifetime Dickens influenced the English and worldwide public with his moving stories and made a lot of money for his family in the process. Dickens is well remembered for books like A Christmas Carol but he wrote many others like, Nicholas Nickleby, A Tale of Two Cities, Hard times and of course Great Expectations. Once you turn the first page of A Christmas Carol you are struck by Dickens amazingly detailed descriptions, long sentence structures and incredible vocabulary he uses incredibly intricate words to describe things which really livens up your imagination. Scrooge is introduced to us as a miserable old miser; he hates Christmas and the poor. He dislikes giving and is generally a nasty person who, we as a reader are not meant to have any sympathy for. Dickens sets him up with phrases such as a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, covetous old sinner. . Scrooges nephew, Fred, who is full of Christmas spirit, visits him and is nice about the poor, life and Christmas. Scrooge replies every idiot who goes about with a Merry Christmas on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding this is insulting to the Christian faith and a lot of peoples beliefs. Scrooge sees the figure of his 7-year dead partner Marley morph onto his doorknocker. He goes in and lights a candle Darkness is Cheap! . Marley visits Scrooge in the night and warns him that three spirits that will change his ways will haunt him. Marley trails a Ponderous Chain which is made of ledgers, moneyboxes and other money related objects that Marley was obsessed with, much like Scrooge. From this we can see Dickens is trying to tell us that money is not everything and the chain Marley wears acts as a symbol that Scrooge and us as a nation have to take notice of. When the Ghost of Christmas Past arrives at Scrooges place of residence, Scrooge is taken on a journey through his prior years as a schoolboy. He is shown as lonely and unloved until his sister comes to pick him up. Here Dickens is showing us that family is important and can bring happiness; she addresses him as dear, dear brother. When Scrooge is taken to his old work he is reminded of how wonderful Christmas used to be. He is given the night off with a, Yo-ho reminding him of how mean he was to his clerk when he told him it was a, poor excuse for picking a mans pocket every 25th of December. This implies that we leave our mark on society; Fezziwig would leave a good one, Scrooge would not be so lucky. When Scrooge is transported to the scene of him and his fianci e together he is reminded of how he chose money over love something Dickens proves to be wrong What idol has displaced you he rejoined a Golden one. The fianci e knows Scrooge is totally in love with money and frees him from the contract they have she departs with May you be happy in the life you have chosen. This shows us as a reader that Scrooge is mean and still takes money over his life we feel sadness for the fianci e and more bitter towards Scrooge. Next Scrooge sees the ghost of Christmas Present and a throne of wonderful food to form a kind of throne, were turkeys, geese, game, poultry This shows Scrooge how wonderful Christmas can be and the amazing food that could be available to him. The people who were shovelling away on the house tops were jovial and full of glee. . Dickens shows us that if Christmas is kept in out hearts we can be warm and happy whatever the circumstance. We then read about Christmas at the Cratchits, an incredibly poor family where Bob, Scrooges clerk, is the father of several children. We read about the extreme lack of money they have and how poor Tiny Tim is supported by an iron frame. They have very little; a small pudding for a large family but they do not mind as they are with each other and that is what is important to them; the family, not the money spent. Scrooge asks about tiny Tim and finds out he is likely to die, however, the ghost quotes Scrooge saying decrease the surplus population exactly what Scrooge had said to two men collecting for the poor and needy. Scrooge begins to feel bad about what he has done and is ashamed of his prior beliefs he realizes money is not everything and you can be happy without it. Scrooge is whisked through three scenes of people celebrating Christmas joyfully even though there conditions are appalling. Scrooge then goes to his nephews party; here he sees how others interpret him, an old miser. He feels sad then Fred makes a toast to him and this brings a tear to Scrooges eyes. He is loved and knows family is important which is what we must recognise. The spirit then produces two children. One is want the other is ignorance, Dickens is trying to say we have major faults in our society that need to be corrected. People want so much, yet are ignorant about other peoples faiths or beliefs. Scrooge now sees the last of the spirits, the Ghost of Christmas Future. We first travel through the streets to a building of business to see men discussing an unnamed mans death and how they wouldnt go to his funeral unless a lunch is provided. Here Dickens is trying to say that if you live a lonely life then you will die lonely. Scrooge then travels through filthy back streets to a dingy hole where women are getting money for things they have accumulated. One of the women has taken down bed curtains from the dead mans bed you dont mean to say you took em down, rings and all, with him lying there? Yes I Do! . Dickens shows that if you die a lonely, unloved and hated person, in your death your shirt will be literally ripped off your back, like the washer women did to Scrooge. Scrooge and the spirit go to a graveyard where no mourners are present here Scrooge finds his neglected grave and realises it was his body they saw in the room and the people were talking about. Scrooge now realises all the wrong doings he has done, He sees he needs to change his ways. Dickens shows we need to be charitable and to change our ways if we are to keep the true meaning of Christmas alive. Scrooge learns many valuable lessons, from which we can learn to, the spirits transform him from this hideous hook nosed demon to a Christmas loving human all in the course of one night. He learns the true meaning behind Christmas and things like family, charity and good will. He sees his ways are wrong, his obsession with money, much like most people who fight over who has the best this and the fastest that but dont see themselves as a Scrooge. He gives money to poor people and is happy with his life finally. This world acclaimed novel has been made into many films, as it is still highly relevant and can be learnt from still. His literary genius conveys, feelings emotions and other amazing literary devices authors recently seem to have lost touch with.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
In Defense of Elitism Essay -- essays research papers
â€Å"In Defense of Elitism†Summary      The dominant theme in this essay appears to be this: post war social changes such as offering increased university admission promote the view of egalitarianism in education. The author’s main issue with â€Å"secondary†education is the sheer numbers of our population that the United States as a whole educates. According to Mr. Henry, the United States educates nearly thirty percent of high school graduates who go on to a four year bachelor’s degree. He believes that the increased number of graduates has led to a workforce of mediocrity. In the author’s comparison to other leading countries, the United States has academic standards and achievement requirements which do not directly insure that this nation’s youth are job ready with a four year degree. Mr. Henry’s theory states that the United States as a whole needs to restrict college admissions to only half of those who would seek degrees. In the essay, the author is of the opinion that by reducing the number of degree seeking students, a nation can improve quality and the value of a college education. To decrease the quantity of students would in the long run increase the quality of education. The author sees the necessity of restricting higher education to include only those who have demonstrated at an early age in the educational process the ability and ambition to pursue a higher education. In his opinion, following this process would allow only the more intelligent or ambitious of students into college, therefore assuring a competent post graduation workforce. Would severely limiting admission achieve the steep goals the author believes it will? Mr. Henry states that in order for the job market to sustain ample job opportunities for university graduates, those chosen should meet strict educational standards early in the education process. Without these measures, he believes, the American education system will continue to degrade as everyone will become equal, with none terrible and more importantly, none great. Mr. Henry asserts his belief that in a watered down workplace, complacency is only eclipsed by averageness. For an individual to progress and excel through college, it takes a certain measure of drive to achieve the necessary academic quality. This drive requires its recipient to work harder and achieve better grades, more income... ...ity of a four year education; those restrictions would also deny the opportunity of higher education to many who could achieve even greater success than those who had been chosen. Throughout history, there are stories of ordinary individuals who rose up to live extraordinary lives. To not allow someone the opportunity to achieve their potential would serve not only to separate the classes farther, it would also cause the stagnation of our economy. Jobs would be easier for the chosen educated, as there would be less competition. The truth is, it is that very competition that pushes every sector of our economy, driving companies to make better products or offer better services. Without competition, industries quit moving forward and better products don’t get engineered. It is clear to me that returning our education system to one in which only the chosen few were admitted would actually cause far more damage to society than the danger the author speaks about. If someone choo ses to take the necessary steps to achieve greatness, no one should be able to hinder them except themselves. Work Sited Page Henry. William A â€Å"In Defense of Elitism†NMR, 171-175 Prentice Hall, NJ In Defense of Elitism Essay -- essays research papers â€Å"In Defense of Elitism†Summary      The dominant theme in this essay appears to be this: post war social changes such as offering increased university admission promote the view of egalitarianism in education. The author’s main issue with â€Å"secondary†education is the sheer numbers of our population that the United States as a whole educates. According to Mr. Henry, the United States educates nearly thirty percent of high school graduates who go on to a four year bachelor’s degree. He believes that the increased number of graduates has led to a workforce of mediocrity. In the author’s comparison to other leading countries, the United States has academic standards and achievement requirements which do not directly insure that this nation’s youth are job ready with a four year degree. Mr. Henry’s theory states that the United States as a whole needs to restrict college admissions to only half of those who would seek degrees. In the essay, the author is of the opinion that by reducing the number of degree seeking students, a nation can improve quality and the value of a college education. To decrease the quantity of students would in the long run increase the quality of education. The author sees the necessity of restricting higher education to include only those who have demonstrated at an early age in the educational process the ability and ambition to pursue a higher education. In his opinion, following this process would allow only the more intelligent or ambitious of students into college, therefore assuring a competent post graduation workforce. Would severely limiting admission achieve the steep goals the author believes it will? Mr. Henry states that in order for the job market to sustain ample job opportunities for university graduates, those chosen should meet strict educational standards early in the education process. Without these measures, he believes, the American education system will continue to degrade as everyone will become equal, with none terrible and more importantly, none great. Mr. Henry asserts his belief that in a watered down workplace, complacency is only eclipsed by averageness. For an individual to progress and excel through college, it takes a certain measure of drive to achieve the necessary academic quality. This drive requires its recipient to work harder and achieve better grades, more income... ...ity of a four year education; those restrictions would also deny the opportunity of higher education to many who could achieve even greater success than those who had been chosen. Throughout history, there are stories of ordinary individuals who rose up to live extraordinary lives. To not allow someone the opportunity to achieve their potential would serve not only to separate the classes farther, it would also cause the stagnation of our economy. Jobs would be easier for the chosen educated, as there would be less competition. The truth is, it is that very competition that pushes every sector of our economy, driving companies to make better products or offer better services. Without competition, industries quit moving forward and better products don’t get engineered. It is clear to me that returning our education system to one in which only the chosen few were admitted would actually cause far more damage to society than the danger the author speaks about. If someone choo ses to take the necessary steps to achieve greatness, no one should be able to hinder them except themselves. Work Sited Page Henry. William A â€Å"In Defense of Elitism†NMR, 171-175 Prentice Hall, NJ
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Analysis of White River in Southeastern South Dakota
Analysis of White River in southeasterly South Dakota Your house has been asked to subject a proposal to holistically measure the White River in southeasterly South Dakota for two concerns viz. ,Groundwater resources and quality, andSurface H2O quality concerns.IntroductionWater is one of our chiefly important natural assets. If our planet would be missing it, there would be no life nowadays on this planet Earth. It’s the responsibility of Hydrologists to analyze all features of H2O organic structures present at site and its relation to geography, geology, topography, biological science, and chemical science. It’s the responsibility of Hydrologists to understand the job nowadays at site and so work out the job by using applicable proficient cognition and mathematical rules to work out water-related jobs in civilisation. These jobs include the measure, quality, and handiness of H2O. The chief undertaking of the study is to measure the Groundwater resources and quality, the 2nd portion of this study is to measure the Surface H2O quality of White River in southeasterly South Dakota. The squad of applied scientists is examining the White River in southeasterly South Dakota for two concerns viz. groundwater resources and surface H2O quality concerns. White River has expressed no serious apprehensivenesss about the possible contacts of any prospect development on the southeasterly South Dakota. Thus it is the demand of clip to set about a hydrological and hydrogeological appraisal, working to a brief agreed with Natural resources nowadays in southeasterly South Dakota.Scope of workThe program of the survey is to fix a preliminary appraisal of the possible hydrological and hydrogeological facets of White River in southeasterly South Dakota. The undermentioned range was proposed: On-site function of H2O organic structures, catchments, flow way, precipitation and overflow, infiltration and petrology of dirt strata so that all of the little watercourses taking into the river and milieus are clearly understood. The exercising of long term rainfall and vaporization statistics to measure the effectual rainfall and, by agencies of suited overflow coefficients, to think watercourse flows. These should be contrasted with the field based observations to heighten a reasonable cognition of the hydrology of the site.Prepare 1:10000 geological maps to depict the boundaries of dirt strata.Commence trial cavities to prove theoretical boundaries and deepness of impermeable strata.Install four or more boreholes into the land to show baseline statistics and trying place.Trial land Wellss for finding the land H2O table conditions.Field Observation SurveysField observation studies are carried out in order to roll up informations in signifier of geological maps, hydrological maps and terrain of the proposed site. The informations can so be acquired establishing upon the relevant undertaking. The chief purpose of this study is to roll up informations for the land H2O and surface H2O. The undertakings required to transport out such undertakings are given in the proposal below:Topography & A ; Hydrology MappingThe subdivision is divided into two chief headers i.e. Topography and Hydrology, when discoursing topography we mean the status and type of the terrain which may be picturing degrees of the land, hills, vales, woods and H2O organic structures. The topographical function is necessary to place the surface groundwater flows and their speeds. The surface groundwater is related with the overflow measure and precipitation. Hydrology is the 2nd facet of this heading under which we will discourse the conditions that chiefly relate to the deepness of the dirt H2O degree below the land surface. Barsoum et Al ( 2005 ) note that for alder, the H2O degree demands to be near to the surface when the trees are immature, but deeper when to the full grown. Optimum growing of seedlings occurs when H2O degrees are 10-30 centimeter below the surface. ( Eymard 1969 )Geological FunctionThe geological sequ ence relevant to the site must be determined so infiltration rate can warrant, H2O infiltration, sub surface flows and to find the strength of the strata for future development if any. The geology plays an of import function when depicting the hydrological information for the fact that submerged aquifers, watercourses and hot spring can be identified which are natural resources and can be utilized. The information will assist in finding of the quality of sub surface and surface H2O quality.Hydrological SurveyThe Hydrological study is the chief part of the proposal and is further divided into parts so as to understand easy: 3.1 Groundwater Groundwater hydrology believes steps groundwater flow and silt conveyance. Problems in decoding the saturated zone comprise of categorization of aquifers in footings of flow way, groundwater force per unit area and, by decision groundwater astuteness. ( Peter 2012 ) Determinations here can be made utilizing a piezometer. Groundwater location can besides be found by delving trial Wellss at close intervals and so utilizing these Wellss in similar manner as that of piezometer, the rise of H2O degree in good will order the deepness of land H2O tabular array. 3.2 Infiltration The infiltration of H2O from overflow into the dirt is a important subject. In a figure of state of affairss a dry dirt may non soak up rainfall every bit thirstily as a dirt that is antecedently wet. Permeation can sometimes be calculated by an infiltrometer. ( Peter 2012 ) 3.3 Precipitation and vaporization Precipitation is the word used to specify the rainfall strength in footings of inches or centimetres, it is normally defined in footings of deepness of H2O that can be collected if H2O beads are collected one above the other in a perpendicular chamber besides known as rain gage for a specific period of clip. Precipitation information is really utile when pulling storm hydrograph charts. Vaporization is a important fraction of the H2O rhythm. It is partly affected by moistness. A direct finding of vaporization can be taken by utilizing Symon ‘s vaporization pan. ( Peter 2012 )Remote feelingDistant detection can supply cherished information about hydrological survey by utilizing land based detectors, airborne detectors and satellite detectors. Information sing catchment country, H2O organic structure, forestation, accidents and bad lucks can be achieved with preciseness and truth utilizing distant feeling techniques.Water Quality DeterminationThe last phase of our survey once the information from preliminary phases are collected and arranged is H2O quality finding survey. In hydrology, surveies of H2O quality concern organic and inorganic compounds, and both dissolved and sediment stuff. Besides, H2O quality is affected by the communicating of dissolved O with organic stuff and a assortment of chemical alterations that may happen. Biological O demand is a tool f or finding the quality of H2O, this trial is a simple method which depicts the sum of dissolved O used up by the bacteriums present in H2O. ( David and Charles 1969 ) Work Plan and Schedule of Activities The program of the work is divided based upon the squad members company has. The chief activities of the work are shown below:Land and Topographical SurveyGeotechnical Investigation of SiteLand Water Table Location DeterminationHydrological SurveyHydrogeological SurveyWater Quality InvestigationThe squads are distributed as per the work appellation which includes the responsibilities of the Civil applied scientists, hydrologists, Surveyors, Planners, GIS Specialists, CAD operators, Riggers and Technician staff. Hydrologists may be discerning with judgment H2O supplies for white river and irrigated farms, or intriguing river implosion therapy or dirt have oning off. They will be working in environmental munition, assisting to halt or cut down pollution or place sites for safe clearance of unsafe wastes. Hydrologists may necessitate shovels to computing machines and mass spectrometers, and latest tools are being urbanised every twenty-four hours. Geographic Information Systems ( GIS ) Professionals will work with affiliated systems and plans to bring forth and go on informations and maps that can be shared with physically referenced informations. GIS package has the ability to narrate diverse types of informations such as socioeconomic, demographic, administrative or political boundaries, land usage, land screen, environmental, substructure, and transit webs. GIS Specialists perform the undermentioned undertakings:Generate maps, exposures and graphs, utilizing GIS package and connected cogwheel.Congregate with users to qualify information demands, undertaking demands, required consequences, or to construct up applications.Accomplish Research to place and acquire accessible databases.Collect, analyze, and set together spacial informations from employees and make up one's mind how most first-class the information can be displayed utilizing GIS.Bring together geographic informations from a diverseness of resources including nose counts, field observation, satellite imagination, aerial exposure, and bing maps.Examine spacial informations for geographic statistics to slot in into certificates and studies.Plan and Schedule of ActivitiesThe activities are shown in the signifier of Gantt chart is given below: Premises:The Undertaking starts on January 2014.The Work Calendar is 5 yearss a hebdomad with a work twenty-four hours peers to 8hrs.There are no excess vacations in the Schedule.The utmost conditions conditions are besides non encountered in the undertaking.Budget Allocation 77 DayssAs per the undertaking outline the payment policy is shown below:Civil Engineering undertaking director ( you ) $ 150 per hrCivil Engineer in developing $ 40 per hrCivil Engineer ( PE ) $ 100 per hrResearch Scientist $ 60 per hrSurvey technician $ 25 per hrCAD and GIS technicians $ 20 per hrSupport Staff $ 15 per hrTransportation system costs should be billed at $ 0.40 per stat mi with sensible allowance for hotels, nutrient, and other necessary costsOverhead add 40 % to overall costThe agenda dictates that the undertaking will take no more than 77 on the job yearss if the work is carried out as per the agenda. From the analysis it is observed that an estimation of 85 working yearss can be taken as the u ndertaking clip. The excess yearss which have been added are merely to counterbalance eventualities found during the undertaking timeline. Now as per 85 yearss the figure of work hours will be about 680 work hours. Thus the Project budget is tabulated below for the reader:Sr. #AppellationPay per hr ( $ )Work Hours Required ( hour )Entire Pay ( $ )Undertaking Manager150680102000Undertaking Engineer10068068000Trainee Engineer4068027200Research Scientist6052031200Survey Assistant2560015000GIS Assistant2060012000CAD Assistant2060012000Support Staff155508250Transportation system0.4 / myocardial infarction600 myocardial infarction240Eventuality40 %110356Grand Total386246Therefore the undertaking budget is about $ 386,246, the computation is shown above for the reader.Mentions:Brooks, K. N. , Ffolliott, P. F. , & A ; Magner, J. A. ( 2012 ) . Hydrology and the Management of Watersheds: Wiley. De Wit, A. ( 1996 ) . Measurement of undertaking success. International diary of undertaking direction, 6 ( 3 ) , 164-170. Eymard, L. ( 1996 ) . Study of the air-sea interactions at the mesoscale: The SEMAPHORE experiment.Annales Geophysicae. Springer-Verlag, 14( 9 ) . Hendricks, S. P. , and David S. White. ( 1991 ) . Physicochemical forms within a hyporheic zone of a northern Michigan river, with remarks on surface H2O forms.Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 48( 9 ) , 1645-1654. Munns, A. K. B. F. B. ( 1996 ) . The function of undertaking direction in accomplishing undertaking success.International diary of undertaking direction, 14( 2 ) , 81-87. Straker, E. W. I. ( 1969 ) .A Monograph on the Former Ironworks in the Counties of Sussex, Surrey and Kent, Consisting a History of the Industry from the Earliest Times to Its Cessation ; Together with a Topographical Survey of the Existing Remains from Personal Observation: David & A ; Charles, . Vorosmarty, C. J. , and Berrien Moore III. ( 1997 ) . Modeling basin-scale hydrology in support of physical clime and planetary biogeochemical surveies: An illustration utilizing the Zambezi River.Surveies in Geophysics, 12.1( 3 ) , 271-311.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Blood Brothers evaluation Essay
The performance was melodramatic with big hand gestures and with altered voices. Being melodramatic and the big gestures made it clearer to see what was happening on stage especially as the audience was seated so far away from the actions of the characters. The narrative was set in an old road in Liverpool with Liverpudlian accents, so the actors altered their voices to cockney accents to create a believable setting. The staging was well thought out because the stage was narrow and the seats were plotted around the stage with three floors and lots of seating. It had a rich and luxurious feeling to it and the audience must have felt the same way too, especially with the binoculars built into the seats. The cyclorama (hanging cloth/sky cloth) had a big affect on the audience because it created an illusion of stars and night, which is not commonly used on most stages so it was particularly impressive. The thing that makes or can make musicals in this genre more attractive are props because they add colour, they make it more realistic, added connotations and helps you to tell what is happening by symbolic representation. The set disappointed me because you could see people controlling the light and the sound, which was a bit distracting, and it was harder to imagine the narrative. The lighting was technical with lots of lights to create the mood, atmosphere and time of day. To create stars on the cyclorama they beamed a concentrated white light onto a moving disco ball at an angle so the audience could tell what time of day it was. But the only problem was that some of the stars bounced of onto the audience so they had to move their head uncomfortably to dodge the beam going into their eyes. The main tone of lighting was houselights to portray inside scenes and flood lighting for the outside scenes. It shows the audience where the characters are and what time of day is being portrayed. The sound effects were very realistic and gave the audience a clear impression of the setting of each scene. At one point in the play they used a cockerel sound affect to help create the illusion of a countryside scene. The theme was a hybrid between a musical and a tragedy, with the addition of comedy, which made it even more entertaining. It was set back in the mid 80’s early 90’s. The houses on the set were council estate with an old brick laid road, which gave the impression of a run down, working class community. This could have made the audience sympathetic to the characters, although the children were not properly educated or disciplined enough by their parents to respect their environment. The biggest moments of impact were the rude parts which made me laugh and the unpredictable parts which shocked and surprised me and the audience around me. At one point a young boy was hiding behind a bed sheet on a washing line, when a certain part of the sheet started to rise, insinuating that the boy was sexually aroused by a young girl in his presence. This was a particularly hilarious scene and the audience roared with hysterical laughter. Towards the end of the play the two main characters, Mickie and Eddie, stood facing each other with Mickie pointing a gun towards Eddie. This whilst their mother Ms Johnston was trying to persuade Mickie to put down the weapon. Then BANG!! BANG!! – and Eddie fell to the ground closely followed by Mickie. The audience jumped with shock at this point.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Causes of Friction in Multicultural Relationships essays
Causes of Friction in Multicultural Relationships essays Its normal for couples to have arguments for various reasons from time to time in their relationships. However some things can be bigger sources of problems than others. All relationships are different; however these causes can build friction between even the most committed people. . Many things can cause this friction in a multicultural relationship such as, different cultures, religious beliefs, and difference in age. The different cultures in a relationship can cause many problems between two people. For example, some cultures require the acceptance of family for marriage or have restriction on having children. As people work on challenging this kind of problems in a relationship, they will have to support each other to stay with an effort, even when it feels discouraging. People will have to resist the efforts of those who use divide-and-conquer techniques-putting one cultural group against another. For example, in an Indian culture it is normal to live with and take care of parents after marriage, whereas in American culture the couple usually lives independently without parents in the same house. Each one of us can build relationships and friendships around ourselves that provide us with the necessary strength to learn about other peoples cultures. Even if the people do not know who their ancestors are or what their heritage is, they could have multiple backgrounds and affect their relations hip. Becoming aware of peoples different culture and identities can help the people to understand what it might be like to belong to a cultural group. Religious beliefs can also play a very important role in how couples interact and communicate with each other. Sometimes in a relationship, one person has a different religion than the other, or other times one person from both sides of the family has a different religion from everyone else. The problem can start in the relationship with one family going to different church on...
Monday, October 21, 2019
My Biggest Dream Essay Example
My Biggest Dream Essay Example My Biggest Dream Paper My Biggest Dream Paper Topic Sentence: My biggest dream is to become a stage performer and eventually have my own concerts and world tours someday. Everyday, I look forward to have my biggest dream to be a reality because dreams are simply made to be real and not Just to be a mere thought waiting to be discovered. Dreams do not Just happen because a dreamer needs to have passion and determination to make dreams come true. My biggest dream is to become a stage performer and eventually have my own concerts and world tours someday. It gives me the feeling of satisfaction and self-worth as I imagine myself being able to share my talent in music to everyone who also loves the world of music. I always keep on dreaming that I can seize the stage of famous concert halls around the world and perform something extraordinary because it fascinates me every time I hear someone having world tours or even those performers who happen to have local concerts in Araneta, Pagcor or Mall of Asia. As for the moment, there is this negative feeling that makes me think I cant make it and I also have my hesitation within myself. I set my goals but then again, I am not that confident that I can attain all of those dreams someday. Despite this uncertainty, I believe that if I am not bound to fulfill those dreams I defined right now yet it is a sure thing for me that I am bound to something wonderful that God has planned for me ahead of my Journey as an emerging person.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Symbols of the Greek God Apollo
Symbols of the Greek God Apollo Apollo is the Greek God of the sun, light, music, truth, healing, poetry, and prophesy, and one of the most well-known gods in Greek mythology. Known as the ideal of youth and athleticism, Apollo is the son of the Zeus and Leto; and his twin sister, Artemis, is the goddess of the moon and the hunt. Like many of the Greek Gods, Apollo has many symbols. These symbols were usually associated with the great accomplishments those deities made or pertained to the domains over which they ruled. Symbols of Apollo Bow and arrowsThe lyreThe ravenRays of light radiating from his headBranch of laurelWreath What Apollos Symbols Mean Apollos silver bow and arrow represent his defeat of the monster Python (or Phython). Python was a serpent who lived near Delphi, considered the center of the earth. In a frenzy of jealousy over Zeus infidelity with Leda, Hera sent Python to chase Leto away: at the time, Leto was pregnant with the twins Apollo and Artemis, and their birth was delayed. When Apollo was grown, he shot the Python with arrows and took over Delphi as his own shrine. The bow and arrow symbol is also a reference to Apollo as the god of plagues who shot plague arrows at the enemy during the Trojan war. DEA / G. DAGLI ORTI / Getty Images The lyre- which is perhaps his most well-known symbol- signifies that Apollo is the god of music. In ancient myths, the god Hermes created the lyre and gave it to Apollo in exchange for the rod of health- or for the cows that the mischievous Hermes had stolen from Apollo. Apollos lyre has the power to turn items- like stones- into musical instruments. De Agostini / G. Nimatallah / Getty Images The raven is a symbol of Apollos anger. Once all ravens were white birds or so goes the myth, but after delivering bad news to the god he scorched the wings of the raven so that all ravens going forward were black. The bad news brought by the bird was that of the infidelity of his lover Coronis who, pregnant with Asclepius, fell in love and slept with Ischys. When the raven told Apollo of the affair, he became enraged that the bird had not pecked out Ischys eyes, and the poor raven was an early example of the messenger being shot. Tomisti / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0 Apollo God of the Sun The rays of light that radiate from Apollos head symbolize that he is the god of the sun. According to the Greek myth, each morning Apollo rides a golden flaming chariot across the sky bringing daylight to the world. In the evening his twin, Artemis, goddess of the moon, rides her own chariot across the sky bringing darkness. Apollo is symbolized by rays of light. Corbis / Getty Images The branch of laurels was actually something Apollo wore as a sign of his love for the demigod Daphne. Unfortunately, Daphne was cursed by the Goddess Eros to have a hatred of love and lust. It was an act of revenge against Apollo who claimed he was a better archer than Eros. Eventually, after Daphne grew tired of Apollos chasing she begged her father the river god Peneus for help. He turned Daphne was into a laurel tree to escape the love of Apollo. The laurel wreath that Apollo wears is a symbol of victory and honor, which was used in Greek times to identify the victors in athletic competitions, including the Olympics. Apollos wreath combines the laurel for Daphne, the coronal effect of the suns rays, and the beauty and power of young, beardless, athletic men.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Business Analysis & Requirements Frameworks Essay
Business Analysis & Requirements Frameworks - Essay Example He is in charge of operation in the development together with the different Project Leaders including Software Trainers, Business analysts, Software Developers and one Technical Author. The study finds out that there are about ten different projects running at any time in Ambridge Software Ltd. The different departments are expected each to contribute to the development of software in Ambridge Software Ltd through specialization (Kotonya & Sommerville, 1998). There are different scenarios that occur from time to time, and prompt different actions to create transformation. 2. Introduction This study evaluates different scenarios and recommends the appropriate actions for the management of the scenario in Ambridge Software Ltd (Robertson & Robertson, 2006). It considers the position of a staff member of Ambridge Software Ltd in relation to the decisions of Software development, as well as the position of an employee of one of the clients of Ambridge Software Ltd (Sommerville & Sawyer, 1997). This takes place in various scenarios, involving different authorities including the project managers, Software Developer, Software Trainer, Technical author, Business analysts and support staff. The scenarios further consider the different stages of software development such as functional specification, Design specification, programming phase. Each leader has responsibilities to manage in the process of the development process (Kotonya & Sommerville, 1996). This report selects scenario 1 where the company realizes that there is the realization that misunderstanding led to certain unplanned changes on some projects. In this, there was poor understanding between the customers and the development team in Ambridge Software Ltd. The system developers apparently failed to understand the software requirements and their documentation (Macaulay, 1996). From the scenario, it was appropriately decided that there should be an update in the protocol and system documentation will be insta lled (Yeates & Paul, 2006). In the initial stages, there was a meeting held with the Ambridge Software Ltd customer at different durations before the beginning of development project. At the same time, there are three intervals every month while the project is in progress (Goquen & Linde, 1993). The processes and the stages involve the development of reports to the project coordinator. The project leader then has the task to distribute the information to the members of the teams who are working on the project. 2. Scenario One: Report 2.1. Discussion The division of labor and specialization is a special opportunity for the Ambridge Software Ltd staff to exercise their knowledge, experience and skills in the development of the software. There should be an understanding between the customers and the development team such that the final product is satisfactory and considerate of the issues affecting the Ambridge Software Ltd customers (Finkelstein et al, 1992). This requires frequent vi sits to the customers’ sites to identify their needs. It becomes easy to know how the system can implement them. The second recommendation is to involve the customers in the process of testing and evaluation of the system. This removes the misunderstanding between the development team and the customers. 2.2. Recommended Approach 2.2.1. Cost and benefit Analysis The costs involved here include the costs of travelling
Friday, October 18, 2019
Economy analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Economy analysis - Assignment Example People find it more convenient to order books from online vendors than to go out to bookstores to look for books the way they did before the digital revolution. The second point is that in addition to Amazon, there are now many avenues through which people access eBooks, hence the loss of the need to visit libraries. The final point he makes is that copyright laws are lagging behind, since they were developed in an era where the current potential for digitization did not exist. It is important to have a balance between access to published material bearing the cost of production in mind, and to retain the â€Å"incentive to create†for writers (Posner). There are two key strengths in Posner’s article. The article communicates very clearly the relationship between the demise of the bookstores and libraries in relation to the emergence and development of the digital revolution. The issues in it focus on the purchasing behavior of individuals and how the internet is affecting consumer behavior. The second strength of the article is that it identifies the legal problems that existing copyright laws have which will only make the process more difficult to manage. The article argues that there is need for action to update existing laws to make it easier for creators of literature to enjoy more protection because of the increasing cost of policing the internet to prevent online piracy. The key weakness of the article is that it does not offer any radical solution, but struggles to find a way around the existing problems based on the current laws. It does not pay attention to the fact that it is now almost impossible to stop online piracy by using legal means only. The internet is universal, and it is almost impossible to start developing laws which every country will accept. This is because different countries derive different benefits from the internet hence the laws may impede
Global Geopolitics of the Middle East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Global Geopolitics of the Middle East - Essay Example However, for investments to flourish continually there has to be stability, which has become threatened by the brutal regimes in existence. An economist at the International Energy Association states that an investment worth over $19 trillion in gas and oil is required from now until 2035. This is where the significance of the Middle East arises from as growth in petroleum supply is expected to come from there and North Africa. This is in spite of the fact that oil has been discovered in other countries, for example, Brazil. Therefore, for this investment to be achieved funds have to be availed and stability in the region needs to be maintained. An example of this is Iraq which is a primary oil producer in the region but has continuously suffered due to instability and targeting of its oil facilities. Another example is Syria, which even though is a small producer, has brought a standstill to foreign investments in the oil sector because of barbaric policies enacted by the government. Historically, the Middle East has been known as the cradle of civilization resulting from discoveries in science and religion and widespread trade activities. In addition, the region is highly acclimatized for its scholarly efforts though the environment has not been conducive for this to be more far-reaching. Consequently, a majority of citizens from various states within the region go to study abroad. Israel, being a democracy and the only Jewish state, has attracted reinforcement of its territories from the U.S. This is because, since the period of the Cold War, U.S has endeavored to ensure continuity of flow of oil and at an affordable price, but initially, this was possible as oil was replacing coal as a source of energy. The Middle East is accountable for an approximate of 40% of oil exports in the world this is because, globally, economic growth and progress has been greatly reliant on carbon-based forms of energy particularly crude oil. More so, there are
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Current Events Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Current Events - Research Paper Example The two strongest European economies within the zone, namely that of Germany and France, do not agree on what actions to take to prevent the entire continent from falling into a recession. In this regard, recession is broadly defined as two (2) successive quarters of economic decline if it is based on the real gross domestic product or GDP. (My own definition of a recession is when a lot of working people lose their jobs and those seeking new employment, like the new graduates, cannot get hired). However, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) of the United States of America defines it more precisely, based on a number of other economic indicators such as the level of employment, industrial activity, real incomes, wholesale prices and retail sales. In other words, the NBER uses overall business activities as an indicator, the time when business reaches its peak and starts to decline. It is the business cycle dating committee or BCDC that is tasked to approximate the date whe n a recession has started (NBER, 2010, p. 1); a recession is usually accompanied by rising unemployment and a rise in excess capacity in the manufacturing sectors or other industries of the country due to weak consumer demand. The magazine article discussed in this paper had specifically mentioned this two prime economic indicators to portray the worsening conditions within the European economic zone. Discussion The news article which serves as the basis for the discussion of recession in Europe in this paper is entitled â€Å"The euro crisis: a real mess†that was written by R. A. and published in the on-line or digital version of the Economist last July 2, 2012. In the article, the author talked on a worsening crisis within the European zone because of the on-going recession that is expected to get worse within the next few months. The unemployment in Europe had inched up, with Euro-wide unemployment rate going up last May to 11.1% with the unemployment figures for Spain at much worse rates of 24.6% for adults and at over 52% for Spanish youths. Spain is one of those countries included in the PIIGS mentioned earlier (Dorfman, 2010, p. 1) which engaged in great spending even beyond its normal capacity to pay and is now suffering for its profligate ways. All the five countries included in the PIGGS classification had borrowed way too much and are now in real great danger of defaulting on their sovereign debts. The other countries in Europe which are now in recession are suffering from same twin problems of too much debts and high deficits which does not leave much room for economic recovery except through harsh cost-cutting acts but are not politically well-advised especially during an election year. The same article on the on-going euro crisis mentioned how manufacturing activity had declined by 1% in the second quarter this year, with the rate of decline expected to accelerate in the later part or the second half of this year. Manufacturing is one of broad economic indicators used to measure or approximate a recessionary climate, and this is shown by the decline in many European countries, such as not only in France and the Netherlands but also in Spain, Italy and even Germany, which is considered as the strongest European economy so far. Both Greece and Spain are now in depression, which is worse than a recession (a decline of above 10% in GDP). The
A Supra-National Constitution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
A Supra-National Constitution - Assignment Example The concept of supremacy of EC law is directly related to the principle of direct effect, direct applicability, and self-execution. The first is pertinent to implementation while the others are to enforcement. It would certainly be impossible to achieve the objective of the Community if its laws cannot be implemented consistently among its members. In traditional international law, the determination of whether a certain provision is directly effective is decided by domestic law. It is also a domestic law that will determine what are the conditions under which such effectiveness applies. This traditional mechanism was short-circuited by the European Community due to its supra-national status and evolved the Community into a legal order sui generis. The principle of supremacy is implied in the very creation of the Community, this is the gist of several decisions of the European court justifying compliance with Community law. Its articulation was necessary for the enforcement of Community law through national authorities and courts. The determination of supremacy, direct effectiveness, direct applicability and self-execution of the provisions of Community law is done under the procedures and precepts of Community law. These doctrines are actually described as constitutionalizing; implementing supra-national effect of the treaty in its member states. As stated in Les Verts, â€Å"The EEC is a Community based on the rule of law, inasmuch as neither its Member States nor its institutions can avoid a review of the question whether the measures adopted by them are in conformity with the basic constitutional charter, the Treaty.â€
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Current Events Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Current Events - Research Paper Example The two strongest European economies within the zone, namely that of Germany and France, do not agree on what actions to take to prevent the entire continent from falling into a recession. In this regard, recession is broadly defined as two (2) successive quarters of economic decline if it is based on the real gross domestic product or GDP. (My own definition of a recession is when a lot of working people lose their jobs and those seeking new employment, like the new graduates, cannot get hired). However, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) of the United States of America defines it more precisely, based on a number of other economic indicators such as the level of employment, industrial activity, real incomes, wholesale prices and retail sales. In other words, the NBER uses overall business activities as an indicator, the time when business reaches its peak and starts to decline. It is the business cycle dating committee or BCDC that is tasked to approximate the date whe n a recession has started (NBER, 2010, p. 1); a recession is usually accompanied by rising unemployment and a rise in excess capacity in the manufacturing sectors or other industries of the country due to weak consumer demand. The magazine article discussed in this paper had specifically mentioned this two prime economic indicators to portray the worsening conditions within the European economic zone. Discussion The news article which serves as the basis for the discussion of recession in Europe in this paper is entitled â€Å"The euro crisis: a real mess†that was written by R. A. and published in the on-line or digital version of the Economist last July 2, 2012. In the article, the author talked on a worsening crisis within the European zone because of the on-going recession that is expected to get worse within the next few months. The unemployment in Europe had inched up, with Euro-wide unemployment rate going up last May to 11.1% with the unemployment figures for Spain at much worse rates of 24.6% for adults and at over 52% for Spanish youths. Spain is one of those countries included in the PIIGS mentioned earlier (Dorfman, 2010, p. 1) which engaged in great spending even beyond its normal capacity to pay and is now suffering for its profligate ways. All the five countries included in the PIGGS classification had borrowed way too much and are now in real great danger of defaulting on their sovereign debts. The other countries in Europe which are now in recession are suffering from same twin problems of too much debts and high deficits which does not leave much room for economic recovery except through harsh cost-cutting acts but are not politically well-advised especially during an election year. The same article on the on-going euro crisis mentioned how manufacturing activity had declined by 1% in the second quarter this year, with the rate of decline expected to accelerate in the later part or the second half of this year. Manufacturing is one of broad economic indicators used to measure or approximate a recessionary climate, and this is shown by the decline in many European countries, such as not only in France and the Netherlands but also in Spain, Italy and even Germany, which is considered as the strongest European economy so far. Both Greece and Spain are now in depression, which is worse than a recession (a decline of above 10% in GDP). The
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Marketing - Marketing Metrics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Marketing - Marketing Metrics - Essay Example The mere thought that the cruise ship market segment will become saturated is illogical. In the cruise ship’s French market segment industry indicates the government had taken the industry on board. Consequently, the United Kingdom government must follow the example of the French government, in terms of prioritizing the cruise ship industry ( 2. Cruise Market Watch In terms of United States cruise ship travel (, there are statistical data indicating which sector leads. In terms of age, cruise ship customers belonging to the 40-49 years of age ranks no. 1 & 2 at 26 percent. Cruise ship customers belonging to the 60 and above years of age ranks no. 1& 2 at similar 26 percent. Lastly, the cruise ship customers belonging to the 50-59 years of age ranks no. 3, at 22 percent. The income data indicates a striking cruise ship company impression. First, cruise ship customers belonging to the $100,0 00 to $200,000 annual income ranks no. 1 at 39 percent. Second, cruise ship customers belonging to the $75,000 to $100,000 annual income ranks no. 2 at 19 percent. Third, cruise ship customers belonging to the $60,000 to $75,000 annual income ranks no. 3 at 16 percent. ... Further, the data indicates that there is a significant difference when the race criteria are used. The white gender represents 91 percent of the cruise ship customers. The Americans represent 3 percent of the cruise ship customer pie. Last, the other race profiles represent 6 percent of the cruise ship customer pie. In terms of employment status, there is a significant difference. The graduates comprised 75 percent of the cruise ship customer population. On the other hand, the undergraduates comprised 25 percent of the cruise ship customer population. The graduates include those with doctoral degrees. In terms of employment status, there is also a significant difference. Statistics indicate the full time workers represent 63 percent of the entire cruise ship population. On the other hand, only 20 percent of the entire cruise ship population had retired from work. 3. Drivers of the Cruise ship Business. There are many factors driving the cruise ship business to continue serving the n eeds of the current and prospective cruise ship customers, including customers of Cunard cruise ship lines. Customers. Cunard shipping lines is one of the oldest and finest cruise ship lines in the global, especially United Kingdom, cruise ship industry. The Cunard cruise ship lines offers cruise to major ports of the world. The ports include Mediterranean, Caribbean, Northern European, and other World cruise ship tours (Kotler, 2009). Carnival United Kingdom Chief executive David Dingle emphasized 2010 was the most successful year for the company, in terms of cruise ship financial performance. The company’s acquisition of several cruise ships bolstered its financial performance. The company acquired Caronia, QE2 and the brand new Queen Mary 2. The three cruise ships had different
Monday, October 14, 2019
Personal Mission Statement Essay Example for Free
Personal Mission Statement Essay The capacity to fully utilize opportunities to become open for others is what is crucial in identifying my personal mission statement. Here, it caters not mainly to the ability to integrate personal gains but rather develop the perception towards identifying personal connections through other people. These associations with others are then strengthened by common bonds that are then shaped by religious values and perceptions. These then becomes crucial in exploring directions as I tread life and outline how I make crucial decisions in each situations. For my part, I gain appreciation and security through constant evaluation of my personal relationship with my faith. I deem this to be crucial as one perceives the aspect of engagement towards my religious life as it then shapes my capacity to make decisions in other dimensions. This then becomes a viable approach towards identifying common themes that cater towards personal views, opinions, and perspectives related to my personal capacity to grow through experiences. In essence, I continuously feel secured through my constant immersion with my religious faith and serves to direct my life in different ways possible. Similarly, my identity continues to be honed by these religious values and perspectives. Becoming a Christian molded my ability to rethink my previous standards and morals as it relates with other people and associate with myself. Here, I came to realize that in order to effectively ascertain changes within my life I must imbibe the scriptures intently – utilizing its tenets and meanings in a way that shapes fruitful interactions with my inner self and other people. This faith then strengthened my ability to know who really I am and what is my personal purpose and mission. This recognition of existence then becomes the epitome of change serving a new means for molding myself according to these precepts and functions. Here, the manner I communicate with other people and establish relationships revolve around my personal capacity to relate personal beliefs and aspirations related to what I believe in. These connections in turn help magnify my ability to generate sufficient means to redirect my faith towards other people. Through such perspective, I believe that it can strengthen relationships and my personal adherence towards the social constructs that shapes our personality and beliefs. At the same time, I also consider opening up with other people. This interaction process not only identifies my capacity to perceive within diversity but also correlate and share my beliefs to those who do not share the same faith as I do. This then identifies consolidates the teachings of my faith and becomes readily available among its followers. Due to this, I came to realize that people can be divided according to their religious faiths. They are thus divided by believers and non-believers which in turn consolidates new dynamics towards reaching out and becoming involved in the process of evangelization. As a member of the Christian faith, I deem to find opportunities to diversify changes within the people around me. The ideals and values created generate effective patterns that in turn ascertain models for development and growth. I do believe that this is my calling and fosters renewed options towards harnessing the necessary skills towards reaching out with other people. In the end, these perspectives cater towards utilizing new means for diversifying my role within society and the community. Through my associations with my Christian faith, I had gained considerable growth personally and determined my mission and role. As I constantly try to communicate and establish relationships with other people, I establish connections with other people and equally shape my responsiveness and purpose towards ascertaining what is essential and crucial within these parameters. Thus, my personal mission then connotes my ability to reach out and fulfill my role towards evangelization and living my life according to the principles and values of my faith.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Strategies Of Sustainable Tourism In Maharashtra Tourism Essay
Strategies Of Sustainable Tourism In Maharashtra Tourism Essay Tourism is concerned with pleasure holidays, travel going or arriving somewhere. These are the motivation that makes people leave their normal place of work and residence for short term temporary visits to other places not more than one consecutive year. Tourism is generally considered to be beneficial activity and for most people an ideal land use activity; a non-polluting, job generating and foreign exchange earning industry. However, years of sobering experiences have led to the realisation that mass and uncontrolled movement of people creates certain social, economic, political and environmental impacts of the destinations. These impacts vary as per the type of tourism promoted and can be both beneficial as well as adverse. This essay discusses and defines the key term sustainability and competiveness and how they can be use as a strategy to develop tourism in Maharashtra, which is one of top ranked tourist destination in India. The key word in the analysis of tourism is sustainability, a notion that at its most basic summarizes the growing concern for the environment and natural resources, though sustainability has also had increasing resonance in social and economic issues in tourist destinations. The destination has played an important role in tourism. It is a mix product of the tourism which offers integrated experiences to its tourist and consumers. Basically destination are regarded as well define geographical areas such as a town, a city, a country, a nation or as whole world where tourist stay at least one overnight (WTO, 2007). On the other hand it is growing subjectively by the tourist and consumers depending on their flexible demands as when they plan their itinerary on the basis of culture background of the destination and the purpose of visits. It may be educational, business, or vacations to experience importance of the place. Such as a Paris as a destination for German business travellers, for Leisure Japanese, Europe may be a destination within their specified period of a trip (Vlahovic, S., 2010). Apart from this A Jungle may be a destination for scientist and researchers who involve in nature related study simultaneously it is destination for people who like to visit Jungle in their vacation such as Jungle Safari. In addition to it tourist destination also helps in generating revenue to the government as well as private sector which is a significant factor while considering tourism (Edward, J., 2010).****************** Since beginning destinations are divided by manmade borders such as geographically and politically, which does not considering the consumer preferences or tourist industry functions (Vlahovic, S., 2010). Whereas Holloway and Taylor (2006) say that all destinations share certain features such as the place of attraction, services and facilities and accessibility of the destination. Currently in all worlds destination a high competition can be seen. Due to mobility and accessibility of the tourist destination around the world, also emerging changes in tourist destinations with technology, infrastructure, and communication. Therefore destination cannot escape the competitive challenges by the justification that the task is too difficult (Vlahovic, S., 2010). Mostly, destination are varied in nature, these are not always with equal potential, some have lot of potential resources competitive advantages, and some have limited natural resources and infrastructure to support the tourism development in particular destination (Ritchie and Crouch 2000 cited McCartney et al.2008). According to McCartney et al., 2008, there were question between Ritchie and crouch 2000, that whether destination are by born or created? The answer is in question itself. Further Ritchie and Crouch (2000) mention the definition of destination competitiveness and how its related to sustainability as firstly its ability to increase tourism expenditure, to increasingly attract visitors while providing them with satisfying memorable experiences and to do so in a profitable way, while enhancing the well-being of destination residents and preserving the natural capital of the destination for future generations. As a result of this it can be assume that destination competitiveness in tourism has several sustainability dimensions such as economic, social, cultural and environmental. Competitiveness has become a central point of tourism policy. As its increases and tourism activity become stronger, so there is need to put some limelight on improving the competitiveness by creating a constitutional outline to examine, to control and enhance quality and effectiveness in the industry and to protect (to sustain) resources (Vlahovic, S., 2010). Sustainability has defined by Bruntlands Report (1987 cited Cooper et al., 2008) that meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs So to understand the sustainability of resources and how much potential available in destination, there is necessitate to do SWOT as well as PESTLE (Tribe,1995) analysis of the destination from internal and external then require to focus on essential innovative strategy to come up from weakness and threats and to strengthen it to create more opportunity in the future. Strategy has defined by Quinn 1980, It is an outline of a plan that combines organizations major goals, policies and sequence of action in to a cohesive whole, whilst strategy is the way and scope of an organization, it has two phases one short term about three year and second long term more than 5 year (Cooper et al,. 2008) preferably which matches its resources to its changing demand from the surrounding particularly in destination markets to tourists and consumers so as to meet stake holders opportunity (Tribe, 1997). Pike and Ryan (2004 cited McCartney, et al, 2008) said that competitive strategy through comparing cognitive, affective and conative perceptions of the destination. They concluded in their studies that effective positioning requires a succinct, focused and consistent message. Positioning analysis requires an understanding of how a destination is perceived to perform on attributes deemed important to the target market, relative to the competition. On the other side in terms of income and expansion of a national tourism industry in the global market of develop and developing countries, which could therefore raise the real income of its citizens and develop its standard of living (Hong, 2008). Therefore, high demand in competitive strategy or policies require proper and better education and training about the sustainability tourism through academic orientation programmes, government and private organization, also through various information channels (Harris et al 2002). The concept of Sustainability strategy has become in practice by World Conservation Strategy (WCS) in 1980. It was commissioned by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) which jointly with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) provided the financial Support for its operations. The main strategy has aim to make basic structure and legal guideline to develop and developing country to explain the involvement of living resources conservation to human survival such as green house gas effect, emission, destruction, degradation, extinction of flora and fauna species, pollution, genetic diversity and soil erosion and to sustainable development identifies the main concern of conservation problem and the main requirements for dealing with them and proposes ways for effective accomplishing the strategys goal (NSSD, 1980). There are mainly four pillars of sustainable strategies that are economic, environmental, social and cultural. And it requires suitable consideration of all above four parts of pillars for well being of all stakeholders, to achieve long-term goals requires the engagement of all the stakeholders concerned to the production and consumption process of sustainable tourism though it is related to ruralisation or urbanization (Cooper et al., 2008). Economic Sustainability: Cooper et al., 2008 explained that economic sustainability requires holistic planning across all industrial sectors. It must also reach beyond the destination to make sure that intermediaries such as tour operators are not able to circumvent or put unwanted pressure on the planning processes, it may create a negative impression on the tourist and tourist destination. Mowforth and Munt (2009) have mentioned that economic sustainability is not less important than all others in any tourist development. Sustainability in these terms refers to a level of economic gain from the activity such as planning, training etc., sufficient either to cover the cost of any other special measures taken to provide for the tourist and to mitigate the effects of the tourists presence or to offer an income appropriate other conditions or both. In contrast, Baumgartner and Quaas (2010) have different view as the general definition of sustainability has based on the notions of weak and strong sustainability. Environmental Sustainability Environmental sustainability in tourism requires greater attention and knowledge about the impacts and ways of translating those impacts into the economic marketplace. The tourist, or service provider in the tourism industry have to understand their responsibilities such as disturbing the natural life cycles so for this reason government legislation should be there in system that in case of failure to abide by those systems (Cooper et al., 2008). Further there is need to calculate carrying capacities, it is an important method of assessing environmental impact and sustainability (Maldonado et al. 1992 cited in Mowforth and Munt 2009). Social sustainability Social sustainability is a ability of a community, may local or national, to understand changes such as excess tourists, for short or long term and continuing functioning either without the creation of social disharmony as a result of these contribution or by settling its functions and relationships so that the conflict created can be improve or mitigated (Mowforth and Munt 2009). As per the Cooper et al., (2008) that tourists who do not want to adapt at all will always create negative impacts on the local community. So to avoid it tourist who may be through natural interest where the concerned visitor intrigued by local customs and behaviour so they go to scrutinize and that inspection can set in movement of a commercialisation process that will sooner or later change the events. Cultural sustainability Travel can change persons life through its visits to various parts of the world and more interaction between the local people of the destinations. It helps to develop the understanding about the tourist destination and its culture of the local people. But some time the relationships within particular society, the mores of interaction, the lifestyle, the customs and traditions are all subjectively means of exchange. Even its culture may be irreversibly altered. Culture is a dynamic a feature of human life as in the society, community and economy; so then it can be assume that changes in culture not always welcome in to the society. That means sometime it creates negative effects. But, the cultural sustainability refers to the ability of people to maintain or understand the elements of their culture which distinguished them from others people (Mowforth and Munt, 2009). According the definition that destination has made by manmade borders, so here every destination has its own administrative as well as managing style. This includes the rules and regulation of the town, city, states, countries and all worlds to sustain the balance of Environmental, economic, social and cultural sustainability. So, the role of government and private organization to make strategies and policies is to keep engaging and motivating the participants on long term basis such as government stakeholders, private organizations, and other local authorities also the NGOs in to development of the tourism product. Due to the vast nature of the industry it involves wide-ranging of operations, decisions and planning area with understanding sustainability and non sustainability and the requirements of tourist destinations, its consumer and suppliers such as tourism intermediaries and others like infrastructure developers and legal procedures such as visa and tourists destination manag ement, its statistics of visitors and economy which circulate by the tourism industry (Prugh et al., 2000). The destination which I have taken that is Maharashtra state of India. So first of all according to definition of destination need to understand geography of Maharashtra. Maharashtra is a state which located in the western part of India. It is the second most populous and third largest state by area in India. There is a huge tourism potential available in Maharashtra due to its culture and vide range of geographical area. The borders of Maharashtra is the Arabian Sea to the west of India with a 720 km long coastline along the lush green Konkan region, nestled Sahyadri mountain range are several hill stations and water reservoirs with semi-evergreen and deciduous forests. Gujarat and the Union territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli to the northwest, Madhya Pradesh to the northeast, Chhattisgarh to the east, Karnataka to the south, Andhra Pradesh to the southeast,  Goa which is the part of Maharashtra it has located at the southwest it is a famous holiday spot in the world it is well known by its various beaches. Vasco da Gama sailed down at Malabar Coast in 1948. The Goas economy is solely depending on the tourism. Maharashtra state covers an area of 307,731 km2 (118,816 sq mi) or 9.84% of the total geographical area of India. Mumbai, the capital city of the state, is Indias largest city and the financial capital of the nation. Marathi is the mother tongue of Maharashtra (Govt. of Maharashtra, 2006). It is also the richest state in India, contributing to 15% of the countrys industrial output and 13.2% of its GDP in year 2005-06. History The name Maharashtra also appeared in a 7th century inscription and in the account of a Chinese traveller Hiuen-Tsang, was a famous Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveller, and translator that brought up the interaction between China and India in the early Tang period. The potential available at Maharashtra that it has four world cultural heritage sites as first two located in the Sahyadri Mountain Range these are 1) Ajanta caves 2) Ellora caves at Aurangabad and 3) Elephanta caves at the Elephanta Island at the Mumbai. And the newly inscribed site is Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST) before it was known as Victoria Terminus (VT) (MTDC, 2010). Bhandardara is noted place for trekking place of Maharashtra followed by Pratapgarh near Mahabaleshwar, Torna near Bhor and Panhala near Kolhapur. Also Sahyadri ranges provide about 7 to 8 trekking cites which has around Pune, Satara, Lonavala and other places. And the rock climbing at Karla Mountains, believed to be dating back to 160 BC. It is home to the huge cluster of Chaitya caves (Planning commission of India, 2007). The water sport activity available at Panshet Aqua Sports centres 40 km drive from Pune, such as windsurfing, speed boating, kayaking, water scooters etc. Close to Mumbai, Esselworld at Gorai is an amusement park which has roller coasters and water slides. Also the Sailing which is most popular in India available at Mumbai and Pune, in Maharashtra, sailing equipments are available only at the Khadakvasla Lake in Pune. Currently, MTDC has started the Scuba and Snorkelling diving school in the water of Arabian Sea at Konkan (MTDC, 2010). Before propose, justify and to defend strategy for the chosen destination, require a SWOT analysis of destination internally as well externally (Tribe, 2003). Then it is easy to understand the nature of competitiveness and threats among the four pillar of sustainability. The analysis involves consideration of the major influences upon the tourist destination success in terms of: resources and environment (Tribe, 2003). So according to this, the analysis of Maharashtras tourism sector is also based on national and global factor as resources and environmental consideration. SWOT analysis of Maharashtra (Govt of India, 2007): Strength available in Maharashtra Maharashtra has immense potential with natural beaches, heritage and culture. Mumbai is comparatively higher in strength of Maharashtra States. It is commercial as well as entertainment capital of India. Recently, the achievement by A. R. Rehman from Slumdog millionaire movie, It has received a prime interest to population of Indian origin in the source of market of USA and UK. Mumbai has an international airport brings about 26 per cent of most of the international tourists. Also, it has advantage of getting most of the tourist to the state before any other states in India. Further, in Agricultural tourism wine tourism now in boom. Because of The international level research institute and providing a better knowledge about the agricultural products which includes export quality product to other countries and how to sustain the farmers land to grow well crops in future. While considering health Medical tourism also in budding stage in metro cities. Weakness in Tourism of Maharashtra Every tourism require tourist for its growth so, the tourism industry in Maharashtra is highly depend on the long haul market include USA, UK, France and Germany. Secondly, the host ambience; when tourist arrived in Mumbai they experience that the condition of western highway is poor, ample amount of advertisement boards and then on the road beggars this all creates a very poor host ambience the reason behind it is population of Mumbai about is approximately 13,788,305. Thirdly, destination transits status shows that only 5-8 per cent out of 50 per cent of international tourist who visits to India is ready to travel to Maharashtras destination. The reason behind it the Safety and security concerns and poor marketing campaign available around India and other countries. Fourthly, unfocused development and lack of co-ordination between MTDC (Maharashtra Tourism Development and Corporation), ITDC (Indian Tourism Development Corporation) and IRCTC (Indian Railway and Catering Tourism Corporation) etc. have followed their own objectives and plans and are working on separate platform. Lack of co-operation between various governmental organization involved in tourism creates inconvenience to the tourist. For example : A visit to Ajanta World heritage site requires a tourist to purchase as many as 7 tickets due to a distinct jurisdiction issue.(Planning Commission of India, 2007). And Deccan Odyssey Luxury train which serves 7 tourist destinations in Maharashtra has getting less revenue, because of poor marketing strategies and promotions from various tourist information Kiosk available in Maharashtra and other part of India. Opportunities to sustain tourism in Maharashtra Due to 9/11 terrorist attack, the domestic tourism growth has increased. Maharashtra Government undertaking initiatives to attract domestic tourism as a tourism strategy. Secondly, Indian governments Golden Quadrilateral Highway project is now in last stage to connect North- South, East-west corridors by the National highways, and is expected to increase accessibilities in domestic tourism (GoI, 2002). The growing tourism source countries of Japan, China and Sri Lanka have Buddhist populations (Buddha Dharma Education Association) their interest is in Buddhist architecture and heritage is a great opportunity for Maharashtra to offer then its unique Cave Architecture. Thirdly, the nature of tourist market in Mumbai, the high spending business and leisure tourists mostly from East European countries affects on the market. The available outbound market is China. Threats which affects to sustain competitive tourism in Maharashtra Maharashtra had significant threats in last decade that all affect on the tourism of Maharashtra. The series of incidents as bomb blast in 1993 target was Hotels and tourists attraction, train bomb blast 2006 and then at the end terrorist attack on 26th to 29th November 2008 on Hotel Trident, The Taj Mahal Palace and Tower, and Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminals in Mumbai. Secondly, the competitor of it started Economic Impact assessment working with the help of WTO and WTTC, Kerala has already started their vision 2025 to sustain their development growth in tourism. Thirdly, the most competition can be seen in Heritage tourism, beach tourism, back water sport and special interest tourism. Cultural sustainability and strategies in Maharashtra: Under the cultural tourism strategy of Maharashtra the government considered that it has distinctive aspects of its rich culture and tradition would be identified and promoted as an integral part of Maharashtras tourism. To Identify and promote the states folk arts and organize folk dance and music programmes at tourist destinations (Govt of Maharashtra 2006). But to sustain it there is less financial support to those participants in to the entertainment field. The financial support is not on time they need to wait sanction the amount from government. Currently, there is a lot of attention to Bollywood artist, so here it can be seen that celebrities has taken over on Maharashtras culture such as following dress sense of Hollywood actresses is now seen in metro cities. There is still no any specific step has been taken by any of the entertainment industry to give chance to local folk artist to perform on large scale. Environmental impacts and strategies of sustainable tourism in Maharashtra: Due to dramatically rise in the Domestic as well as international tourism, currently metropolitan cities such as Mumbai and Pune, has facing pollution level problem, considering the case of Pune, in Pune the pollution level always on critical level. Local authority made strict rule for transportation and traffic rule to control the negative impact on the environment but still it not up to the good level to achieve low pollution in those metro cities. Every tourism activity affects the natural and built environment. The issue between tourism and environment has lot of complication, but to sustain it there are some strategies such as government has made plane to develop eco- tourism for this according to the requirement such as there is no any new construction will take place in preserved area for sanctuaries and other important places such as lakes and forest land. Changes can be made in old building such as government rest houses at hill station and sanctuaries. But, in fact those cost and expenditure on old construction is comparatively higher than new construction. On another side to develop or to sustain such sites, government and NGOs providing financial and knowledge about the eco- tourism to local people who surviving on the nature. For environmental sustainability government has chosen some part of Konkan in Mumbai, in this, the residence at those places are paid by government to develop their houses (Huts and Cottages) with amenities and other facilities but to ensure that life cycle of nature it should not be disturb. This is a really good example as well as strategy to understand the rural life at those places in touch with nature for next generation as well as the tourists from urban part also helps to increase income level and living standard (GoM, 2006). Economic sustainable strategies The economic Sustainability means the balance of rural and urban economics development. The government and private policy maker should consider reduction of rural as well as urban poverty in specific destination Shen et al., (2008). According to this as per mention earlier that currently the government and various private organization institutions working on the research area of Agriculture, nature (wildlife), medical (Health and safety), information technology-communication and at the end human resource development in the Maharashtra, to provide better employment opportunity to each people and to generate and increase the income level of each people and their standard of living. Now the current competitiveness shows that unbalance growth in various sector, such as labour on contract and seasonal basis. In short when the pinnacle period of any season starts then the employers often outsource the employment instead of local. The effect of this rises in dispute between local and outsourcing employee. The India is still developing country; Japan has been supporting in reconstruction of Ajanta caves in Maharashtra and Nalanda University is an ancient centre of higher learning in Bihar, it was a Buddhist centre of learning from 427 to 1197 CE. The economics of Maharashtra has highly depend on long haul and outbound tourist whose spending capacity is more than domestic tourist, as per discuss earlier that the stake holders play an important role in development in sustainable economic growth through employment and taxation, such stake holders in Maharashtra as Taj, Oberoy, Hilton, Best Western Hotels, Hyatt and in tourism Thomas Cook, Cox and King, SOTC and Raj Travel and other well known tourism service providers. Social sustainable strategies: Stren and Poleses (2000) define social sustainability as development (and or growth) that is compatible with the harmonious evolution of civil society, fostering an environment conducive to the compatible cohabitation of culturally and socially diverse groups while at the same time encouraging social integration, with improvements in the quality of life for all segments of the population (Davidson, M., 2009). Sex tourism a new phenomenon issue, according to Nair, P., and Sen, S., (2005) that not all the tourists are sex tourists, some of them definitely are. The sex incident happened in Goa had significant effect on Goas tourism, in which there is use of young girls for sex and pornography, by giving them shelter. According to Cooper et al., (2008) the growth of such activities is often supported by a network of facilitators ranging from pimps and brothels through to the apparently more respectable taxi drivers and hotel workers. The internet has only added to the problem by creating an international communication network that can market these services on international scale. Also, there are lonely child labour in small scale industries and without family, and mostly international tourists who come to enjoy their vacation, consider that child is safe as they feel that the children dont have any Sexual Transfer Diseases (Nair, P., and Sen, S., 2005). According to this the people of Maharashtra, stays in various societies there is always up and down glimpses of society can be seen in the social contest. So therefore, social upliftment and improved quality of life through exchanging culture adopting changes in environments and social life. In the situation like natural calamities, the requirement of unity to overcome from natural and manmade unpleasant incidents can be seen in the people of Maharashtra. Though, there may any disputes between different origins of peoples culture. Whereas, Kulkarni G., (2010) say that people may argue that issue of environment is enough, the enormity of the problem demands that, if each one of people of Maharashtra without blaming to the government authority does their bit toward conserving and sustaining the environment. Then it will ready to lend a hand to next generation to sustain environment with low economic price Conclusion: As a consultant, that every destination and attractions consumer and providers should understand that sustainable and non sustainable culture. Then, only the specific growth in next 10-15 year long term period can be achieved without extra energy. Also, balance must be maintain between limits and usage so that continuous changing, monitoring and planning ensure that tourism can be managed properly in Maharashtra (GoM, 2006). There is various strategies can be followed to develop competitiveness in tourism, keep in mind the importance of sustainability such as: Education and training: Once, people get basic education or knowledge about the environment and the sustainability in their life, and then the improvement within them can lead to help to their respective destination. For example: local tourist guide training programme, which will help to understand the history as well as importance of the place by local people and how they can serve to the tourist on competitive level. For, this government institution at Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur and Nashik has been playing an important role to give education and training to the seekers. In private organization Taj and Oberoy institution has most influence on tourism industry management in Maharashtra. Equal opportunity: There should be put some lime light on rest part of Maharashtra, because current policies highly concentrated on Mumbai only, it provide lots of job and opportunities to the people of respective destination and attraction, so the govt and private organization should not ignore the immense potential available at other places of Maharashtra. They could concentrate on Agricultural tourism, medical tourism, heritage tourism, adventure tourism and wild life tourism etc. The role of researchers and professional in decision making process: It can play an important role policy and strategy analysis, in simple words to identify positive and negative points through various researches which conducted by professionals and scholars. Because, the management and the govern body is solely responsible for any changes in process of development in tourism some time it can lead damages. Safety and security: Tourist should not be a victim of any manmade and natural calamity; extra care should be taken by the local government and tour operator because of any vulnerability in case of woman or loss human of national and international countries can affects on the specific destination and the future tourists and their decisions. Decentralization and accountability: The process of operation and management involves variety of task and governing body, to reduce timescale the requirement of quick and perfect decision to make changes or implementation of original strategies. As well as keeping records of each event and financial transaction leads to clear accountability in the tourism sector. And can help to make better forecasting for tourism in Maharashtra.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Common Cold :: essays research papers
The common cold has been plaguing humankind since the beginning of human existence. Even in these advanced times, there is no vaccine or cure. There are many symptoms that accompany the common cold. Some of these infamous symptoms are a runny nose, caused by inflammation of the nasal tissues, resulting in over production of mucus to trap the virus, and coughing. there are two different kinds or types of coughs that are common with colds. The first, is the less common dry hacking cough, these kinds are more likely to keep you up at night and just plainly annoy you than do any thing else. The other more common type of cough is the kind whose purpose is to expel mucus and or phlegm. These help to combat the cold by helping to expel the mucus that has the virus trapped in it. Other symptoms include a slight tingle or tickle in the back of the throat that usually turns into a sore throat and sneezing. Both of these symptoms are was for your body to help expel phlegm or mucus from the body. Another symptom is swelling of the face and or neck usually accompanied by pain around the eyes, nose, and forehead. This pain and swelling is caused by the introduction of the virus into your upper respiratory tract, therefore causing mucus building up in your nasal passages and then in your sinuses causing them both to become impacted. Many people complain of hoarseness, aches and pains in their joints, fever of about 101 degrees, and general aches and pains all over their bodies (Anthanasoid). There are at least two hundred different kinds of viruses that are known to cause what is known as the common cold, and an unknown number of undiscovered causes (Nourse 56). The virus who is usually responsible for a cold is called a rhinovirus, and it accounts for around thirty to fifty percent of all colds that afflict the adult part of the human population. The virus that is secondly responsible for most common colds, is called a coronavirus, and it is only different form a rhinovirus by a margin of few select proteins in it's molecular structure. The rhinovirus is so small that it can only be measured in milimicrons, one milimicron is about 1/25,000,000 of an inch, that means that about five hundred rhioviruses can fit on the point of a pin. That fact makes the rhinovirus and the coronavirus categorized in the medium territory. The virus cannot reproduce by itself. In fact scientists cannot even decide whether to classify it as an animal or a plant, because it is so primitive. To reproduce, the virus must first latch onto a nearby cell and inject it's genetic makeup into the
Friday, October 11, 2019
Propositions on Poker Machine Addiction Essay
The American Gaming Association (AGA) is a group which represents its members who come from the commercial casino industry. Formed in 1995, the goal of the group is to create awareness and factual understanding of the casino world. The main purpose of the group is to educate the public and its stakeholders about casinos. In the process, it also benefits its members by giving support to them in terms of legislations that affect them and the industry, rules and regulations that they need to be familiar about, and several other assistance while operating their respective enterprises. The AGA also acted as a trusted source of information for media personnel and other industry partners. (About the AGA, 2003, n. p. ) As part of its advocacy, the AGA also highlights responsible gaming as an important element in enjoying casinos. It partners with schools and encourages its members and employees to create awareness on responsible gaming, and identifies the results of irresponsibility within casinos. The AGA started the orange wristband campaign under the â€Å"Keep It Fun†slogan, encouraging gamers to keep casino playing fun and never destructive. The wristband campaign continues to be part of the Responsible Gaming Education Week and Lecture Series, both hosted by the AGA. (Responsible Gaming, 2003, n. p. ) Propositions on Poker Machine Addiction The American Gaming Association submits this document to the Federal Government in response to the inquiry on propositions regarding the community effects of poker machines. Poker machines have been traditional entertainment tools. Since the creation of the first poker machine in the late 1800s, it has become widely identified with bars and liquor shops. (Poker machines history, n. d. , n. p. The availability of poker machines in public places has raised concerns that it might affect family structure. Coleman (1999, n. p. ) reports that in Australia efforts have been made to study the link between family issues and gambling. Poker machines have been pointed out to be the major culprit among all gambling devices. The same issues are present. Noting that poker machines are readily available to all and that getting addicted to it is not impossible, and with an existing statistics of gamblers whose family life has been put at stake because of their addiction to the game, an inquiry has been made on how the issue can be resolved. The first option for many would be to restrain the availability of poker machines. At the most, the machines can even be totally banned. While this is an efficient way to address the issue, there are many considerations that may affect this. Casinos around the world employ thousands of workers, and a deep cut in their revenues may mean an unforeseen increase in unemployment. Also, poker machines and other gambling entertainments remit big tax revenues. In New Orleans, for instance, video poker machines accounted over $200 million in taxes. With such a price tag at stake, it is difficult for the local governments to surrender into banning poker machines. (The Associated Press, 2008, n. p. ) Poker Machines and the World The issues besetting poker machines are not isolated. The same concerns happen all around the world. Actor Russell Crowe moved to ban poker machines in Australia though lost in the voting. (Poker machine ban effort a bust, 2008, n. p. ) The Australian senate, on the other hand, also created the Poker Harm Minimization Bill of 2008, which aims to restrict, limit, and monitor poker machine activities in the country. The dilemma crosses other continents. Poker machines are big hits across Asia too. Thus, poker machines are often blamed to many social problems. (Man vs. Machine, 2008, n. p. ) However, coinciding with this is the fact that poker machine players often have to deal with other problems, as a study of 43,000 Americans have found. It is therefore concluded that making the game unavailable to gamblers with interrelated problems will not solve their addiction. The same is true with thousand of other gamblers around the world. (Man vs. Machine, 2008, n. p. ) Gambling and the Family Considering that a big percentage of 43,000 poker-machine playing Americans who underwent the study have other behavioral problems while addicted to the game, it cannot be disclosed that the family problems are caused by playing poker machines. There is the possibility that poker is their way of escaping from the other stresses in their lives. It can also be said that poker is their way of solving their problemâ€â€a player whose family is undergoing financial turmoil may think that poker may give him the luck he has been waiting for to ease his family of financial burdens. (Man vs. Machine, 2008, n. p. ) However, it is acceptable to say that there are many players who have become addicted to the game, and at which point became disconnected with their families, begun failing to judge their finances properly, and miscalculated many personal and financial decisions for the sake of playing. The actual percentages of players who belong to these groups are difficult to tell. Yet, in crediting the existence of these two facets, it is easier to recognize the proper solutions to be carried out by the government. Individual choices Before any legislation, legislators must closely study the profile of poker machine players. In Australia, 62. % of casino players gamble in poker machines. This is a majority of all other casino games and gambling devices. Of these poker machine players, 98% play mainly in casinos and betting clubs. 85. 4% knows that playing the poker machine is a game of chance. Still, 73. 4% can play the machine for up to an hour. (Hing and Breen, 2002, 192) Here, the behavior of players can be seen. It also shows that the wide availability of poker machines elsewhere does little to affect the betting behavior of players, as majority plays mainly on betting clubs. It can be alarming, though, that gamers can sit and bet in the machine for up to an hour. Thus, this requires a close look. Gamers also have different reasons for playing. For the majority, playing the poker machine is purely to entertain themselves. It was a way to let time pass. A small percentage of the respondents (21. 4%) played for hopes to win. (Hing and Breen, 2002, 192) This dispels the second facet presented herein, where it has been theorized that some players play poker machines for money. It can be associated that because majority of the players see poker machines as a game of luck, there is no certainty of winning or gaining money with it. In a personal level, respondents who play poker machines have been found to be between 18 and 34 years old. They are singles in the sense that they have never married. Thus, they may have relationships. Majority of them do not have dependents. (Hing and Breen, 2002, 192) This questions the validity of the argument that poker machines break families. With a majority of players without families or living under circumstances of broken families already, it is notable to discuss that poker machines may not be causing the family problems to begin with. The other issues besetting the players should likely be causing the complications, and thus should be addressed as well. Proposed Implementations The Australian study is a comprehensive view of the profiles of poker machine gamers. However, it is difficult to pattern implementations in other counties with this single study. A rigorous study for each country or state is needed, for which solutions should be patterned. On the other hand, given that these findings are also true elsewhere, the AGA proposes the following strategies for implementation. With these, it is expected that the Federal Government will be able to find ways to decrease or eliminate the claimed probable causes of poker machines as destructive agents to families. Bet and Time limit Hills (n. d. , n. p. ) assert that a player can bet up to $2 per spin and play up to 200 spins per hour. Finding that majority of poker gamers can sit and bet for up to an hour, it is recommended that time restriction be implemented. A player can bet on a machine for up to the approved maximum time only. This ensures that the player will not be too absorbed in the game and will remain conscious about his betting behavior and betting practices. Coinciding with this, there should also be a limit on the bets that one can play in a specific set. If the maximum bet for the day has been reached, the player should stop even if the game is less than the maximum allowed. Support for Gaming Advocacies Currently, the American Gaming Association has education drives to combat gaming addiction. While the program has been successful in places where it has been introduced, the group needs the additional mileage that the Federal Government can provide. The support will also mean more people knowing about the campaign and educated about the ill effects of addictive gambling. It covers both prevention of gaming addiction and cure. Conclusion Many studies have associated gambling with breakage in family ties. With majority of gamblers playing poker machines, the device has become a point of contention. The local government, however, cannot decide on the proper move considering that a bog percentage of community revenues come from the machines. The Federal Government’s inquiry helped assess the situation. It paved the way to reconciling the benefits of poker machines in terms of the financial help that it is offering and the pre-meditated bad effects that it is highly addictive and that it affects families. A thorough study of gamers is necessary. From their profiles, proper actions can be made. Limits on betting and play can help, as well as support in the education drives such as that of the American Gaming Association. This way, the machines can continue helping the community while avoiding any destructive effect it may have with families.
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