Monday, September 30, 2019
With wind power technologies
AbstractionWith wind power engineerings deriving rapid impulse particularly offshore wind farm engineering, assorted issues affecting internal and external electrical connexion of offshore air current turbines to the grid arise. This literature reappraisal presents a survey of past researches refering offshore wind farm engineering and high spots wind farm connexion issues. Section 1 presents the debut of the subject followed by an overview of offshore air current farms in Section 2. Following, types of generators used are discussed in Section 3. Section 4 and 5 nowadayss the nucleus of the research, detailing transmittal and interconnectedness of offshore air current farms utilizing both AC and DC severally. Finally the last subdivision concludes the reappraisal.Section OneIntroductionWind power coevals has been on the rise as of late [ 1 ] . USA late took over Germany as the current universe ‘s leader of air current power capacity [ 2 ] , using air current energy as an option of electricity coevals. European states are preponderantly inclined towards wind power in add-on to Asiatic states such as China and India, which are amongst the top air current power manufacturers [ 2 ] . There is a bound to onshore air current farm connexion nevertheless, due to set down bounds and with the huge potency of air current harvest home from the seas and less obstructor compared to onshore air currents [ 3 ] , it is merely evident that the following logical measure is to travel into offshore wind farms. Furthermore, with changeless power produced from the changeless air current velocity of the sea [ 1 ] , and the possible combination of moving ridge and tidal power [ 4 ] , chances of offshore air current farms are promoting. Installations of offshore air current farms are non fiddling, as many factors and concerns are taken into history over the substructure and layout. The unsmooth hostile environment of the sea gives rather a challenge for installing and transmittal to the grid and it is a critical concern. Overall, there are several electrical challenges sing offshore air current farms in contrast to the mechanical challenges that has well reduced over the past decennary [ 1 ] . A major challenge sing offshore air current farms would be its transmittal from generator to the grid [ 5 ] . The conventional AC transmittals provide restrictions as offshore air current farms move farther off from the shore. These restrictions will be studied and possible solutions are to be recommended. This literature reappraisal presents an overview of grid connexion of offshore air current turbines, diging into types of generators used, every bit good as air current farm interconnectedness, transmittals of power to onshore grid and reappraisals of jobs related.Section TwoGeneral Overview of Offshore Wind FarmsWind farms are considered offshore if they are at least 30km from the seashore [ 6 ] . Presently, the biggest offshore air current farms has a capacity of up to 200MW [ 7 ] , with each turbines bring forthing 2-3MW. Offshore air current farms are dearly-won ( 30-60 % higher [ 4 ] ) than onshore due to the larger, higher rated power of turbines, undersea connexions and overall cost of installing and care [ 3 ] . Harmonizing to Reference [ 3 ] , air current farms have electrical subsystems which consist of:Internal medium-voltage ( MV ) grid for aggregation of power produced by single generators ;Offshore electrical substructure for transit of power to the shore ;Onshore system which link the farm to HV webs.The power produced by each air current turbine is collected via the internal MV grids utilizing either radial or pealing connected design [ 3 ] . Radial design, being the cheapest pick, uses a individual overseas telegram feeder that is connected to the turbines in contrast to the ring connected web where cabling and exchanging output higher costs. Radial design suffer from low dependability, though it can be improved by forking the radial feeders [ 3 ] . Depending on air current farm size and distance from shore, every bit good as environmental restriction, [ 3 ] nowadayss two strategies of electrical substructures for transporting power to the shore. Scheme 1 utilizations an seaward substation incorporating switchgears and transformers [ 8 ] , which step up electromotive forces and transmit it utilizing HV overseas telegrams, while Scheme 2 utilizations undersea MV overseas telegrams [ 3 ] . The defined point of common yoke ( PCC ) is where the offshore air current farm connects to the grid [ 3 ] . If an offshore substation is present beforehand ( Scheme 1 ) , the HV overseas telegrams are connected straight to the grid but if MV overseas telegrams are used for transmittal ( Scheme 2 ) , so an onshore step-up transformer is required with HV overseas telegrams before being fed to the grid [ 3 ] . Figure 1 below shows the two different electrical system strategies. Figure 1: Wind farm electrical system schemes [ 3 ] Offshore substation is normally required for electromotive forces above 33kv [ 9 ] and is costlier due to dearly-won indoor equipment and environmental protection [ 9 ] but contributes to take down power losingss and simpler electromotive force control [ 3 ] .Section ThreeWind Turbines and GeneratorsDifferent types of air current generators have been designed and manufactured within the past two decennaries, to provide to the demands of planetary air current power capacity every bit good as the turning development of air current power engineering [ 10 ] . These wind generators are designed to back up and manage mistakes on the grid [ 7 ] . There are assorted types of generators for air current turbines and they are categorized harmonizing to synchronal or initiation type generators.3.1 Synchronous GeneratorsThe power convertor in Figure 2 refers to a rectifier, with constellation a being stator connected and the remainder being rotor connected [ 11 ] .3.2 Initiation GeneratorsAs for initiation generators, typical constellations for air current farms are shown in Figure 3 below For constellation a, the power convertor is a soft starting motor whereas for constellation B and vitamin D, it refers to a frequence convertor. Configuration degree Celsius has an external variable rotor opposition [ 11 ] .3.3 Fixed Speed and Variable Speed Wind TurbinesIn conventional systems, fixed velocity air current turbines are used in order to accomplish equal frequence of the grid and the electrical end product [ 6 ] . However, variable velocity air current turbines are has an advantage over fixed velocity air current turbines due to holding advanced power electronic constituents and good control for grid support. Fixed velocity turbines are by and large cheaper, simple and robust and Reference [ 7 ] presented a new control method to get the better of the restrictions and believes that the fixed velocity turbines will be popular once more if betterments are made over its grid support. Fixed velocity or variable velocity air current turbine design relies to a great extent on an optimal rotational velocity expressed by a factor called tip-speed ratio [ 6, 12 ] Wind turbines will work under certain tip-speed ratio for the coveted turbine efficiency. In Figure 4, a typical graph demoing the relation of air current turbine efficiency and tip-speed ratio is shown. Mentioning to the graph, accomplishing 47 % efficiency requires the air current turbine to hold a tip-speed ratio of 8 [ 13 ] . Figure 4: Example relation between air current turbine efficiency and tip-speed ratio [ 13 ]3.4 Fixed Speed GeneratorsFixed Speed Synchronous GeneratorsFixed velocity synchronal generators produce end product frequence based on the turbine ‘s rotational frequence ; which implies that it is synchronized with the generator ‘s shaft velocity [ 6 ] . These machines can bring forth electricity by itself without the grid ‘s power, so in instance of care or fix plants, isolation of the generators must be implemented [ 6 ] for safety grounds.Fixed Speed Induction GeneratorsInitiation generators are normally used for fixed velocity turbines, particularly squirrel-cage type generators and they connect straight to the AC grid without the demand for frequence convertors [ 13 ] . Reference [ 6 ] provinces that the grid ‘s excitement controls the frequence of the generator ‘s end product. When air current velocities go above the rated velocity threshold ( shutdown or roll uping wind velocity [ 5 ] ) of normally 25/ , the end product power is constrained by natural stall or active pitching of turbine blades and if that fails, the turbine is so stopped. For improved turbine efficiency, fixed wind generators can exchange between pole yokes to run at two different velocities [ 13 ] . This characteristic is to let low air currents velocity to hold better efficiency. Initiation generators are favoured for their low cost and isolation for care plants is non required compared to the synchronal generators, due to its inability to bring forth electricity when the grid ‘s power is cut off. However, initiation generators have a disadvantage of that it consumes reactive power from the grid, though including capacitances between the generator and the grid could counterpoise the job [ 6 ] [ 13 ] . Initiation generators besides require a cut-off system to avoid it moving as a motor when air current speeds lessenings.3.5 Variable Speed GeneratorsThrough variable velocity generators, we can do the rotor to run at a fixed tip-speed ratio over changing air current velocities to obtain maximal efficiency [ 13 ] . This is achieved by utilizing frequence convertors or commanding the rotor ‘s faux pas [ 13 ] . The former method licenses wider velocity scope. Reference [ 10 ] has made a comparing survey on seven variable velocity changeless frequence ( VSCF ) air current generators dwelling of both synchronal and induction generators. The initiation generators studied specifically are double fed initiation generators ( DFIG ) and VSCF squirrel coop initiation generators ( SCIG ) , whereas the synchronal generator types were lasting magnet synchronal generators ( PMSG ) and electrically excited synchronal generator ( EESG ) [ 10 ] . Both of the synchronal generators are direct driven in contrast to the geared goaded initiation generators. Based on the comparing consequences, the geared driven double fed initiation generators ( DFIG ) emerged as the most appealing due to its high one-year energy production ( AEP ) per cost and lowest generator system cost and it is recommended for big power evaluation use [ 10 ] .Doubly Fed Induction Generator ( DFIG )This lesion rotor machine can work as a variable-speed generator through debut of variable electromotive forces into its rotor at slip frequence [ 14 ] . The variable velocity is deter mined by the two IGBT based electromotive force beginning convertors ‘ evaluations and it is through these convertors that the rotor get the variable electromotive forces [ 14 ] .Section FourOffshore Wind Farm AC TransmissionAC transmittal is a good developed engineering [ 15 ] and soon used in most air current farms [ 16 ] . For offshore air current farms that are below 100km distance from shore and less than 150MW capacity, high electromotive force AC ( HVAC ) transmittal is a favoured pick for being the most economical method [ 17 ] . AC transmittal has the advantages of [ 16 ] :Simpler installing, care and interconnectednessCost effectualOperational consistenceAC links are non used for longer distances due to high electrical capacity and bring forth reactive currents [ 15 ] . This implies bigger reactive power due to the bear downing currents produced as overseas telegrams become longer and reactive power compensators are needed [ 5 ] [ 15 ] . AC transmittal loses its economic entreaty when active current is less than the bear downing current [ 15 ] . The transporting burden current capacity of the AC overseas telegrams is reduced because the overseas telegrams must physically transport both burden and bear downing currents at the same clip [ 16 ] . Reference [ 16 ] shows that bear downing current is expressed by =2F where F is frequence, is electrical capacity and is electromotive force ; and the relation of current capacity is 2= 2+2, where is the overseas telegram current capacity and is load current. Based on look, utilizing DC outputs =0 at steady province [ 16 ] , which shows the advantage of DC holding higher transporting load current capacity. Besides bear downing currents, AC cables besides experience power losingss ( 2 ) [ 16 ] and there are bounds to a figure of AC overseas telegrams that can be installed due to the environment [ 18 ] .Section FiveOffshore Wind Farm DC Transmission5.1 HVDC LinksConventionally, offshore wind farms are connected to the grid via AC transmittal as antecedently stated. Latest developments nevertheless, have suggested that AC links are to be substituted with a District of Columbia transmittal system. Typically used for far wind farms of more than 60km, HVDC links are non limited by the length of transmittal and therefore will be a executable and economical option when air current farms are larger and further off from shore compared to AC links [ 1 ] . HVDC transmittal is associated with variable velocity air current turbines due to the ability t o command the frequence of air current turbine grids and is independent of the power system frequence [ 11 ] . Reference [ 19 ] has stated the list of advantages of HVDC compared to HVAC, based on Reference [ 8 ] , which are:Independence of directing and having frequences every bit good as isolation of system from other webs.The distance of HVDC transmittal are unaffected by overseas telegram bear downing current.HVDC overseas telegrams are capable of higher transmittal capacity.Power losingss on overseas telegram are low.Controllability of power flow.5.2 Wind Farm AC Grid ConfigurationThe simplest DC grid connexion for air current farms is by feeding the AC grid air current turbines into a power convertor and linking it to the AC grid utilizing HVDC links. The figure below illustrates this. Figure 5: Group connexion of a air current farm to an HVDC nexus [ 11 ] The benefits of this constellation is that sum of power convertors are lessened compared to DC grid constellation, but they supply reactive power to the air current farm, enabling it to defy grid mistakes [ 11 ] .5.3 Wind Farm DC Grid ConfigurationAn alternate method is to hold each turbines have their ain rectifier such as Figure 6. Figure 6: Individual connexion of air current turbines to HVDC links [ 11 ] Compared to AC grid constellation, DC grid enables control of frequence and velocity of each single turbines [ 11 ] . Reference [ 1 ] explains the working of an DC grid air current farm in more item. Figure 7: Example of DC grid [ 1 ] Mentioning to Figure 7, the electromotive force from the air current generators is first rectified, gathered and so transferred to an offshore platform where the electromotive force is stepped up well by a DC/DC convertor, or else the system will endure high losingss during transmittal [ 1 ] . Power is so transmitted through a District of Columbia overseas telegram, connected to an inverter onshore and finally fed into the grid.5.4 Line Commutated Control ( LCC ) HVDC utilizing ThyristorsLCC transmittal require commuting electromotive force which is conventionally supplied through a normal or a inactive ( STATCOM ) type synchronal compensator [ 19 ] . The advantages of LCC systems in seaward air current farms are [ 19 ] :LCC transmittal can be used for high capacity power, making 1600MW nexus compared to VSC transmittals, which reach 300MW [ 17 ] .Over 30 old ages of development in LCC engineeringThe convertor station for an LCC system is twice the size in contrast to a VSC system du e to the switchgears and breaker- switched AC harmonic filters necessitating much infinite.LCC systems have lower power losingss compared to VSC systems.5.5 Voltage Source Converter ( VSC ) HVDC utilizing IGBTsBesides conventional LCC transmittal, another engineering is the electromotive force beginning convertor ( VSC ) transmittal utilizing IGBTs. The electromotive forces beginning comes from capacitances [ 20 ] . The advantages of VSC transmittals used in air current farms are [ 19 ] :VSC systems are self-commutating and external electromotive force beginning is non required for operation.Reactive power control does non necessitate switchable AC harmonic filters and is independent of active power control.The power reactive power flow is independently controlled, doing AC electromotive forces from each terminal controllable.5.6 HVDC and HVAC CombinationNot all offshore air current farms are built in it ‘s wholly. They are normally built in stages. For such state of affairss, Reference [ 21 ] recommends transmission combination of HVAC and HVDC. Preliminary stages of building of air current farms can use AC connexion due to the initial little graduated table and subsequently utilizing HVDC connexion as the air current farm ‘s scale expands [ 21 ] .Section SixDecisionOverview of offshore air current farms has been presented in this literature reappraisal. Different topologies and internal grid connexions are outlined. Furthermore, we have looked into applications of synchronal and initiation generators used in air current turbines and explored the difference between fixed velocity and variable velocity generators, which are indispensable in air current turbines in regard to generated end product power. Finally, a general sum-up of the transmittal methods for offshore wind farms were documented, traveling into specific AC transmittal drawbacks and the emerging tendency of HVDC transmittals. Based on the generalised apprehension of the air current farms, we aim to further analyze the jobs of its connexion, with respects to the air current farm ‘s internal grid and AC transmittal to the chief grid. Comparisons between internal DC and AC grid of air current farms will besides be studied. Power flow surveies and simulations will be conducted and aimed at bring forthing new recommendations and solutions.MentionsC. 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Sunday, September 29, 2019
Material Science Essay
Abstract In this assignment I will be defining the 3 essential properties of every material and describing those. I would also be describing how silicon-based semiconductors revolutionized computing. I will also define what microchips are and how they relate to integrate circuits. Since the pressing questions about the increasing ability of computers to quickly process large amounts of information is whether a computer can be built that is considered â€Å"alive†or â€Å"conscious.†I will also be defining artificial intelligence and telling the difference between the human brain and the central processing unit of a computer. Material Science There are three essential properties of every material that scientists use as a foundation for most every study. First it is the kind of atoms that is made up from the material. There are the neutral elements and the compound elements. The neutral elements would have the identical amount of protons and electrons; this would essentially terminate one another, which would leave the protons and electrons neutral. The compound element is when there is a combination of more than one element. The atoms are second in the way that they are arranged. A great way to explain this is by relating atoms of liquid and atoms of solids. For example the atoms of liquids move around allowing the atoms of solids which are packed together. The way that atoms are attached together is number three. These are the key properties when understanding the study of materials. The strong point of the material, this is the capability to endure forces being useful to it without breaking, this is first. The materials elasticity is second, which is the capability to flex while returning to its original form. Number three is the materials plasticity; this is the ability to change its shape forever. Thanks to the starter of semiconductors, computers have developed over a billion times faster than one of the first built in 1946 (ENIAC). Describe how silicon-based semiconductors revolutionized computing. Since silicone semiconductors are capable to move easily through the solid component it is more proficient than copper based conductors. Silicone based conductor’s makes holes which produces and fills a space constantly. This means electrons jump from one atom to another. This will also change the silicon through a process called doping by adding either phosphorus or aluminum the desired effect is achieved. When adding phosphorus to silicon it develops n-type which is negative-semiconductor. When adding aluminum to silicone it develops p-type semiconductors. These are both essential parts functions efficient electrical devices microchips, which are used in computers. Microchips are positive and negative type semiconductors. Microchips do a detailed function. A microchip is individual diodes and transistors will play a big part of the essential function in modern electronics, although these strategies have been mainly replaced by much more complex arrays of P- and N- kind semiconductors, known as microchips. Microchips may join hundreds or thousands of transistors in one integrated circuit, particularly intended to do a specific role. They are related to integrated circuits this is why. Combined circuits (microchips) are the main component in devices such as microwave calculators, and other devices. An integrated circuit microprocessor lies on modern technology. Modern technology is occupied with electrical integrated circuits. Such as, Televisions, MP3 players and computers all contain integrated circuit which allows them to perform specific functions. Also known as microchips or microprocessors, these circuits keep track of all the information being transferred within the device, in essence giving it life. Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce are both who take credit with inventing the integrated circuit, both coming up with the idea within a year of each other while working for separate companies. Artificial Intelligence is a division of science which deals with helping machines and finds explanations to complex problems in a more human like manner. This normally contains borrowing features from human intelligence, and applying them as procedures in a computer friendly way. A more or less well-organized approach can be taken depending on the necessities recognized, which impacts how artificial the intelligent performance seems. ( The 2 essential differences between human brains and the central processing unit of a computer is the brain-computer metaphor has served intellectual psychology well, research in intellectual neuroscience has revealed many significant changes between brains and computers. Escalating these differences may be crucial to understanding the mechanisms of neural information processing, and eventually for the creation of artificial intelligence. ( One difference is that brains are analogue and computers are digital. For instance one of the primary devices of information communication appears to be the amount at which neurons fire a fundamentally unbroken variable. Likewise, networks of neurons can fire in relative synchrony or in relative confusion; the coherence affects the strength of the signals received by downstream neurons. Lastly, inside each and every neuron is a leaky integrator circuit, composed of a diversity of ion channels and endlessly changing membrane potentials. ( Another difference is short-term memory is not like RAM. While the superficial similarities between RAM and short-term memory encouraged many early intellectual psychologists, a closer examination reveals strikingly important differences. Although RAM and short-term memory both seem to required power, short-term seems to hold only to long-term memory however. RAM holds data that is Isomorphic which is having similar appearance but different ancestry. Not like RAM, the capacity limit of short-term memory is not fixed, the capacity of short-term memory seems to vary with differences in processing speed as well as with expertise and understanding. (
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Analysis Of George Orwells 1984 English Literature Essay
Analysis Of George Orwells 1984 English Literature Essay â€Å"George Orwell’s was born in India, the second child of Richard Wellesley Blair and Ida Mabel Limonzin. In 1904 Orwell moved with his mother and sister sngland, where he attended Eton. His first writings Orwell published in college periodicals. During these years Orwell developed his antipathy towards the English class systems.†(Blair, â€Å"George Orwell†P.2) In 1922 Orwell began to experience what life was like, when he went to Burma to server in the Indian imperial police he began to understand the types of government that dictated the views of many societies such as the imperial rule which led to his resignation as assistant superintendent. After his journey in Burma, Orwell returned to Europe but he was poor and had no money, no college degree and thus couldn’t find any job or anyone to help him financially. In order to understand society better Orwell attempted to get himself arrested as a drunk one night in order to get a better understand o f life in prison, which would perhaps give him an inside into the human mind about exactly what makes a person do a crime and how their psychology changes once they go to prison. This helped him focus his efforts when he wrote 1984 because he explores how a socialist world controlled by big world and allows the thoughts of the main character (Winston) to be able to be read by the audience. The most important part of his life that affected 1984 the most was when in 1930 Orwell decided to adopt socialistic views. â€Å"He fought alongside the United Workers Marxist Party militia and was shot through the throat by a Francoist sniper’s bullet†(Blair, â€Å"George Orwell†P.3) During chaos when Stalinists captured his friends he luckily escaped, the war made him a strong opponent of communism as an advocate of the English brand of socialism. Orwell also opposed a war with Germany, but he condemned fascism and during World War II he served as a sergeant in the Home G uard and worked as a journalist for the television broadcasting company BBC. His first satire titled The Animal Farm was perhaps the wittiest novels ever published were not only was there humor, but there was also a strong scent of hate towards the Russian revolution. This let him to 1984 which was a very bitter protest against the nightmarish future and corruption of the truth and free speech of the modern world. Orwell’s life not only created a masterpiece of works that sound like something that would happen in real life, but for his time he had an amazing imagination for constructing a world controlled by one man, and were no one could be trusted and the life of the party depended on the corruption of historical documents and lying to the people. Main Characters: Winston Smith: Winston is the novels protagonist. He is thirty nine years old and works in the Ministry of Love correcting historical errors. Smith has an ulcer on his leg which prevents him from walking long dist ances as that irritates it and causes pain. He also dislikes the party, and hopes to find someone who shares his enthusiasm for finding a way to liberate his people from the dictatorship of Big Brother. Winston truly believes that he could save the world from the Big Brother party and puts himself in peril by joining O’Brien and at the novels resolution is betrayed, loses his beloved Julia and ends loving Big Brother and the party. His aspiration is was to be able to change what the party has done to the world and be able to live freely without oppression.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Presenting and Analyzing employment data Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Presenting and Analyzing employment data - Essay Example However, the output from manufacturing industry has increased considerably during the period in which employment declined. The Figure 1.1 provides information on the changes in the manufacturing industry from the previous year. During 1990 to 1994 there has been considerable decline in the employment rate of manufacturing sector. This rate changed from 1994 when there was increase in the growth of jobs in manufacturing sector. However the This is clear from the Figure 1.2 that manufacturing job has declined from 4870 thousands in 1987 to 2867 thousands in the year by 2008. There has been a cyclic movement of the incline and decline of the jobs in manufacturing sector. In 1994 the employment in manufacturing sector was 4074 thousand that increased steadily till 1998 when it reached to 4295 thousands job and than it has started declining. Figure 1.3 (public sector employment) shows the change in output of UK manufacturing industry since 1999. It is indexed relative to the output in 2005. This means that the output in 2005 was given the value 5900. The output in 2005 was given the value 5250. It means this graph shows year –on – year growths 1999 to 2005. After year 2005, there was slowdown for three consecutive years (2006 to 2008) and finally a rapid spurt. The output sharp rise during the years 2008 to 2009. In total there are now more than 6 million people employed in the public sector compared to about 5.2 million. It means 16 per cent output increase in ten years previously. Figure 1.4 shows the details of the actual annual changes in employment that have taken place in the public sector over the past 10 years. It shows that growth was fairly consistent on annual basis in 2000 to 2005. It means approximately 100,000 employment increased in public sector per year. Before a period of slight decline mainly due to a
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Photography Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9500 words
Photography - Coursework Example According to Alain Briot (2005), Photography is "both an art and a science". He explains that "Photography allows us to express our feeling and emotions, but to do so we need to master the scientific part of the medium. Unlike a painter, who is in direct contact with his subject and his canvas, a photographer is separated from his subject by the camera and from his "canvas" by computers and printers today and by darkroom equipment previously." (Briot, 2005). But not all of Photography can be considered to be art as Briot (2005) states that "an artistic photograph is created when technique is used to express a vision and an emotion, not when technique is used for its own sake." As we will see there has been a long and heated debate over the issue whether Photography can be considered to be an art form or not. Even in the present many people don't think that Photography can be an expression of art. But the influence of Photography has been exerted in the art world since its invention by a French lithographer called Joseph Nicephore Niepce in 1827 when he captured the view outside the window of his house on a metal plate coated with bitumen (Weiss, 2001). Its invention didn't stopped there and it was improved by Daguerre later on after Niepce's death. The French government gave away this invention as a gift to the world as Sanford L. Weiss clearly explained it in his article "A History of Photography": "In 1839 the French government purchased both the patent it had granted to Niepce and the one they had granted to Louis Jacque Mande Daguerre for a process by which he was able to capture images on silver coated copper plates. The French presented both inventions to the world as a gift and news of the discoveries spread rapidly." (Weiss, 2001). There was an evolutionary process in which Photography was highly improved, and many different inventions helped Photography be available to the masses. It was easy to capture any moment just by clicking a button, and the exposure time was greatly reduced. The popularization of Photography has enriched our lives in many ways, but the controversy around its artistic status has been very prolonged along the way. Richard Pitnick gives a detailed account of how Photography has earned a prestigious status as an art form in a long article entitled "The Emergence of Photography as Collectible Art. As we can see from this account, it has not been easy for photographers along the years to establish themselves as artists and to make their works known. It has been a long process that began in the second half of the 19th century when one photographer sued another in 1862 in France according to New York Times Photography critic Vicki Golberg, who was interviewed by Linda Grace-Kobas for a Cornel l Chronicle article. Grace-Kobas found out the following facts from this interview: "In its first decision, the French court ruled that only art could be copyrighted, and since Photography was not art, it was not subject to copyright
Will involvement affect academic performance Research Paper
Will involvement affect academic performance - Research Paper Example It also outlines the method I used to research and the questions to come up with a substantial conclusion. The method I used in the research was survey monkey which has an online platform where specific questions can be asked for a particular research. The first question I inquired related to the rank of class of an individual. This question enabled me to know the general performance of the class and the various factors that influenced their performance. In cases where the class performance was good, the individual would tell me that they spend much time studying in groups while at times individually. To the contrary, the student whose class was ranked low the students were less involved in their studies in terms of working as a team. The other question that I enquired is about the student’s Grade Point Average (GPA). This would help me to know how the students involved socially perform as compared to the students who kept their studies first. It was evident that those students that were more involved in the social life had a lower GPA while those that concentrated in their studies had a higher GPA. Another question that I asked related to the number of hours a student took to study. This question would enable me to know how the student managed their time during free time. For those that were working, I inquired how much time they were involved in their studies and their social life. This would enable me to know how their involvement in working would affect their studies. I also wanted to find out if the student were involved in any student organizations as it helped me identify the positive or negative impact to a student. The research also made me ask the students how often they went home to visit their families. Some students would say twice a month while others stated that every weekend they travelled to visit their families. I also wanted to find out if the student were dating and the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The expression of human feelings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The expression of human feelings - Essay Example Without rejecting the role of violent films and readings in the development of aggressive behaviour, Jones notes that for children the involvement in - imaginary - violent activities is rather beneficial than catastrophic – under the terms highlighted in the particular article. The views of Jones on the potential benefits of violence for the psychology of children are presented to the public using a specific methodology: the extensive reference to the writer’s personal experiences – in various forms and dates, from his childhood up today – in regard to the issue under discussion. More specifically, in the beginning of the article, reference is made to the writer’s personal experiences in his childhood and emphasis is given on the fact that Marvel comics – especially Hulk – helped the writer to face his fears for socializing and taking initiatives. In the writer’s adulthood, Marvel comics, helped him to make an appropriate choice in terms of profession – and become a writer; moreover, it is noted that the reading of comics with violent scenes helped the writer’s son to overcome his fear for getting involved in risky games (such as the climbing of a tree). Furthermore, Jones refers to the views of Melanie Moore, a psychologist who has worked in the specific field; the writer also describes the findings of the research he made himself – having worked with children who faced behavioural problems. The methodology used by Jones regarding the presentation and the support of his views can be characterized as effective, having the advantage of the personal testimony on the issues involved. However, the writer does not refer to relevant findings of the literature – meaning the findings of the empirical research developed by researchers in regard to the specific issue – no reference is made to statistics or to the studies of academic researchers on the particular subject. Moreover, it could be argued that the interpretation of the findings of his research is influenced by his personal perceptions – especially his personal experiences, as described in the introductory paragraphs of his article. At this point, the credibility of the research of Jones could be doubted. In this context, it could be argued that Jones has not achieved to persuade the readers on the validity of the views promoted through his article – referring especially to the potential existence of benefits from offering to the children access to readings and scenes that promote violence. The above view is further analyzed below. At this point, the ideas promoted through the article of Jones should be criticized and evaluated. The use of violent readings (comics, books and so on) or of films/ games which include violent scenes as a tool for helping the natural aggression of children to be expressed should be re-considered. The findings of relevant research provided by Jones may lead to the assumption that such practice is effective for controlling the anger of children, however it is not guaranteed that the opposite results can be avoided. Moreover, each child has different perceptions on the notion of peace and violence – being influenced by the conditions in the family environment. The provision of access to the children to readings and games that refer to violent scenes could negatively
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
E-commerce Practice Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
E-commerce Practice - Personal Statement Example From the brainstorm for the website, I realized that there was a need to develop research about the industry, our product and potential clients. Though e-commerce provides an almost unlimited market, the main challenge is directing traffic to the site and translating this in turn to actual sales, a proposition that has become more challenging considering technical requirements and saturation of industries (Lefebvre & Lefebvre 30-31). Afterwards, I had to communicate the site's requirements to developers so that it can best reflect the product and performance objectives to maximize the productivity and effectivity of the site. Finally, there was a need to develop performance measures for performance and maintaining competitiveness. The entire process of setting up the company is time consuming and challenging. Often, I encountered tasks that were beyond my existing skills or competencies which challenged me to research and cultivate the means to augment my skills or competencies as necessary.
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Degradation of Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Degradation of Work - Essay Example The pioneering work of Harry Braverman in Labor and Monopoly Capital is worth the area of attention and appreciation to understand the past working condition, the working environment, and the unethical commodities therein. Harry Braverman has described with great intelligence and ability the division of labor and mechanization in his competent writings. Braverman believed in the presence of disorder in the management of labor and attributed this feature to the then existence of machines. His writings were bold and addressed the society as whole. Though his writings were produced during his living in USA, they held applicability to people from different regions and areas of living. It could wisely address the then prevailing conditions even in the other countries including India, South Africa, and United Kingdom. In past times, the complete thrust of capitalism was to weaken the base of humanity. One could find a place in workplace, after having sold his/her labor power and creative ability to the capitalists who viewed it as their own property. The sorrow touched the human working form with the exposure to the fact that the ability to work and create was being considered on par with the other means of production. The truth is that to the most capitalist, labor was the cost of production. And the capitalist therefore aimed to minimize this cost of production then no matter what harm or loss it inflicted on the working people. Though true, it really takes a pain inflicting approach to agree to its prominent and irrational existence. The capitalists further aggravated the then existent condition of degradation of labor by imposing the evil effect by indirect means to the workers. The workers could do little, if at all to beat this deadly approach towards their work and creativity. It seemed as if the goodness of man had been sold to a rich hand. Harry Braverman in his intellectual writings exposed naked the ugliness of the then existent capitalism. He pointed out with authentic understanding and examples that the focus of capitalist management is control over the workers. The first step of the capitalist to get the workers into the factories, and then the dirty game takes its grip by watching the workers with an aim for dividing them. The divided workers stand not in unity even to achieve their most essential goal. The condition faces further grief from the machines that threaten them with redundancy. The focus of fight of the workers rested on the objective of winning higher wages and benefits, while yielding to employers the complete right to control the workplace. This was called as "accord" between labor and capital. This "accord" held its own existent limitations for survival and progress. The "accord" acted as an insufficient basis of fighting the class struggles. The prominent reason that resulted in the failure of "accord" was a definite limit on wage increase that was placed and it found its existence even in the periods of rapid capital accumulation. Absence of present applicability of Braverman's brave work in the pleasant present time Labor power or labor force is an important concept brought to practice by Karl Marx in his critique of political economy. He viewed
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Internet Addicition Essay Example for Free
Internet Addicition Essay Much evidence has been alleged that social pathologies are beginning to surface in cyberspace (i.e., internet addictions). A lot of controversy is surrounding the question, is there proof that the internet is being abused and misused by individuals on an everyday basis and should we consider this to be a major mental health problem? Key Arguments: * Why do people have attachment insecurity and dissociation with their lives to make them choose to be disorganized, and allow a fantasy world to take over resulting in problematic internet abuse. * How information and communication technologies changing our way of interacting with reality. * What are the psychological symptoms involving disturbed relationships with technologies emerging, how some are more affected than others. * How different forms of related dependence behaviours, such as an addiction to social networking, cybersex, online gambling, or web-based role-playing games are affecting our need to be on the internet. * How some games reward achievements and goals making the cyber game goals more important of that than reality goals. * Does social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and other forms of cyber communication have detrimental effects related to internet addiction. * Internet Gambling, main reasons for internet addiction, however not just costing their health but impacting finances and crippling family relationships. Critical Analysis Article 1: Reference (2) Researchers have begun to examine the personal and social consequences associated with excessive online involvement. The present study examined college students problematic Internet use (PIU) behaviors Its specific aim was to investigate the links between PIU with both internalizing (depression, social anxiety) and externalizing (substance use and other risky behaviors) problems. Article 2: Reference (4) There are many psychological factors surrounding the present issue of internet addiction, using evidence such as Social Networking Sites (SNS)e.g., facebook , twitter etc, Massive Multiplayer Online games and Internet Gambling as my three key topics. The aim is to provide a clear and concise method about how individuals who consistently spend their time on the internet are having detrimental effects on their physical, social and psychological life. Article 3: Reference (5) There is an increasing need for the provision of both internet addiction prevention and care for any sufferers, psychologist should be weary of the dangers of internet abuse when youth present with anti-social, aggressive behaviours. Socialization in girls may be warped towards online contact and the user may beneï ¬ t from providing alternatives. The aim is to focus on internet-related addictive behaviours and how to include the use of suitable diagnostic tools, a detailed personal interview, a mental health status examination and information regarding the overt behaviours gathered by the surroundings. I want to engage the reader to believe that internet addiction is a real mental health issue, that effects youth all the way to late adolescent, whether it be an addiction though games, gambling, social media etc, there is evidence to say that individuals influenced by this addiction are not progressing in life, because excess use of a cyber world has become a major part of their li ves or taken over their lives. Structure: – Evidence addiction in Video Games (Kuss, Daria J; Griffiths, Mark D. Studies): Main conclusions stemming from this source – Psychological Evidence to Addiction (Griffiths, M Study Gencer, S L Koc, M Study): Main conclusions stemming from this source – Evidence addiction to Social Networking Systems (Kittinger, R., Correia, C J., Irons J G Article): Main conclusions stemming from this source References Bozkurt, H; Coskun, M; Ayaydin, H; Adak, I; Zoroglu, S S (2013). Prevalence and patterns of psychiatric disorders in referred adolescents with Internet addiction. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 67(5), pp. 352-359. De, L., Josepth, A. (2013). Problematic Internet Use and Other Risky Behaviours in College Students: An Applicationof Problem-Behaviour Theory. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 27(1), pp. 133-141. DOI: 10.1037/a0030823. Gencer, S L Koc, M. (2012) Internet abuse among teenagers and Its relations to internet usage patterns and demographics. Journal of Educational Technology Society. 15(2), pp. 25-36. Griffiths, M. (2010). Internet abuse and Internet addiction in the workplace. Journal of Workplace Learning, 22(7), 2010, pp. 463-472. Kittinger, R., Correia, C J., Irons J G (2012) Relationship Between Facebook Use and Problematic Internet Use Among College Student. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 15(6), pp. 324-327. Kuss, D J; Griffiths, M D., In ternet video game addiction: A systematic review of empirical research in the literature. Revue Adolescence. 30(1), 2012, pp. 17-49.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Dirt bikes usa
Dirt bikes usa Introduction The small company Dirt Bikes USA based out of Colorado is planning to look for more ways to grow in the economy of the motorcycle industry. They are skeptical and worried about expenses and how they are going to obtain information to provide a solution efficiently. Dirt Bikes USA will go through a transformation on running their business more efficiently. With my evaluations and help I will decide on what kind of internet tools and technology that will be most effective for the organization and its employees. I will be discussing intranet systems and two other tools for the internet that can be provided for the organization. I also intend on discussing the benefits in using wireless technology and the kind of impacts it will have on the organization. The tools that will be utilized will have benefits for the organization as well. The cost efficiency of wireless networks versus the cost of wired networks will also be discussed to give the organization an option of using a more cost ef fective system. This will reveal the pros of wireless networks and the cons of wired networks. Recommendations      I recently have just evaluated the organization of Dirt Bikes USA and have come up with recommendations on solving problems. While Dirt Bikes USA already offers their employees internet with desktop computers it would be helpful to establish a private network through using the organizations existing network infrastructure combined with connectivity standards of the internet and software made for the World Wide Web (WWW). Laudon and Laudon (2009), states that intranets are private networks created by the use of internet networking standards and web technology. With the use of intranets it is secure and private and has a firewall for protection, which helps prevent unauthorized users from accessing the network. WWW and intranet software technology are similar to each other. Intranet Benefits      While having access to information with the touch of a button can be very important in the marketing and sales department. There are many benefits received by the marketing and sales department using an intranet. These benefits are having access to the following: researching of competitors, information of products, reports on sales, and marketing analysis.      The human resource department can benefit extremely from the use of intranet because they could cutback on the usage of paper. The department could start uploading all of the company applications, company handbooks, company benefit package, and much more that will lead to saving the money normally spent on large amounts of paper.      The manufacturing and production department of the company will benefit from the use of intranet by keeping track of the schedules of production while helping maintain and coordinate production. They can keep track of all their inventory of parts in and out of stock through the intranet. If the organization were to upgrade the intranet to an extranet suppliers would know when parts are needed for the company and customers could place their orders to the suppliers if needed. Helpful Tools      Throughout my investigation I found that as a minimum there are two other tools for the internet that will be useful for the employees at Dirt Bikes. The first internet tool is a Voice over IP (VOIP) phone system. According to Laudon and Laudon (2009), with the use of a (VOIP) phone system it could help lower the companys cost of communications by 20 to 30 percent. A VOIP phone system is a popular platform for corporate networking and voice transmission. I would suggest having more than one telecommunications and computer service infrastructure to save on long distance phone calls and even get rid of private lines, but having one of each of the infrastructures is needed to offer tremendous savings for Dirt Bikes organization in communications.      Another tool for the organization would be the Apple iPad. With the iPad the organization can create formatted documents, spreadsheets with charts and formulas. The iPad also connects over Wi-Fi connection and 3G services so you can email photos to your clients and find out on the internet recent news on the competitors. Its a great tool to have around the shop instead of going back to your office to type an email you can type an email write in the power of your hands. Wireless Access      I believe that it is important for Dirt Bikes USA to install wireless networks, which would allow wireless internet access to the employees and also provide the company with the capabilities of having voice data communications. By having Dirt Bikes USA install wireless internet it will lead the organization in profit increase while also saving employees time. Besides voice communications, technology has grown where cell phones are now capable of sending information through instant messaging and e-mails. Cell phones are also now capable of searching or researching information on the WWW. The use of cell phones could help the outsiders of the organization with access to information from just about anywhere.      With the use of Bluetooth in the organization is another way of using wireless networks. A Bluetooth is a wireless device that allows wireless phones, printers, and computers to communicate with each other with the least amount of power needed to function. Having lower power to function would make a Bluetooth best used with handheld computers, personal data assistants, and cell phones. Wired Networks versus Wireless Networks      I believe for Dirt Bikes USA wireless networks are they way to go and they way of the future because an employee can have access to the internet from anywhere in the building, while wired networks limits you to a specific docking station or office. The only benefit of a wired network is that they work faster with larger files to upload and can tend to be more reliable than wireless networks. Wireless networks sometimes have problems with signal strength while wired networks do not unless a wire happens to become loosened. With the use of wireless networks it would be a fraction of the cost to have installed, compared to the wired networks because of all of the wires need to be ran throughout the building. The bottom line is that the use of a wireless network would be more cost effective for the organization. Conclusion Throughout my investigation I have determined and recommended many solutions to Dirt Bikes USA would benefit from. Using intranet systems in your organization would benefit the following departments: Manufacturing and production, human resources, and sales and marketing. In my determination I have also presented two more internet tools that if used would be valuable to the organization. The two internet tools that were presented are VPN and the Apple iPad. With the use of these tools it will be cost effective for the organization. I have also brought attention to wireless networks technology and the influence it will have on the organization. I compared the cost effective advantages of the use of wireless networks compared to wired networks to be considered by management. My analysis will help in saving the organization a lot of money, which in return will create higher profits for Dirt Bikes USA. References Laudon, Kenneth C., Lauden, Jane P. (2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.). Essentials of Management Information Systems (8th ed).,: Prentice Hall.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
History and Story Telling in Graham Swifts Waterland Essay -- Waterla
History and Story Telling in Graham Swift's Waterland Waterland uses history, theory, and fictional biography to address the question of history. The blurring of boundaries between history, story, and theory questions the construction of those boundaries as well as the closure and linear nature of traditional narrative. If Waterland has a beginning, it is far in the geologic past, at a time when the continents began their slow journey to the positions they now occupy; however, the novel itself does not begin at this beginning. Waterland moves forward and backward through geologic, historic, and biographic time. By denying the linearity and absolute authority of historical narrative, Swift leaves room for rupture and revision, for stories and nostalgia. The historical and biographical accounts provide a context for the philosophy and theory that the narrator interjects throughout the novel; the philosophy and theory facilitate the leaps in time between geologic, historic, and biographic past. Swift's mingling of (what appears to be) a "r eal" geologic history of the fens and the fictional accounts of the Crick and Atkinson families blurs the boundaries between reality and fiction, turning history into fiction and placing fiction within a "real" historical account. (footnote 1) Waterland, as a novel, makes the same proposal that Tom Crick makes to his class: to discover and reveal the purpose of history by telling a story. The study of semiotics shows that language is the primary mediator in the construction of reality. All systems of signification are dependent on language, and the development of subject position is determined through the act of speaking. (footnote 2) In a discussion of language functions, Fredric Jameson d... ... Tom Crick are purely fictional; however, the possibility remains that they may be fictionalized biographical incidents based on events that occurred to or are known by the author, Graham Swift. This further complicates the blurring of boundaries between fiction and "reality." footnote 2 See the work of Jacques Lacan and Emile Benveniste. footnote 3 I am not limiting Tom Crick's subject position to only three possibilities; I only offer these as three possibilities from a multiplicity. footnote 4 I am fascinated by the idea of Sarah Atkinson's stories and have been telling myself her possible stories. Were her mysterious "appearances" Sarah's stories come to life because she could not "tell" them? Did she find another way to articulate her stories? Did she hear the stories others told and (re)tell them, inserting herself into the narrative?
theatre Studies Portfolio. :: essays research papers
Throughout the year the texts we have studied have provided us with inspiration on the topic and themes of our devised drama. The texts we have studied in Theatre Studies have been Anton Chekov’s â€Å"Three Sisters†and Sophocles’ â€Å"Antigone†, one of the three Theban plays. The link between these plays is the role of women and could be described as proto-feminist. â€Å"Antigone†shows us a woman who is prepared to go against the rule of the city and Creon, whom should be the dominant male in the play. â€Å"Three Sisters†portrays three women who cope with the death of their father, and live without men in their lives. We have used both of these ideas in our devised drama, as all our women are single and go against the stereotypical view of women allowing the audience to see a contrast of five women, all a foil to the traditional view of women in the catholic church. We have also been influenced by a collection of poetry we have studies on our English Literature course. Carol Ann Duffy is well known as a feminist writer and her 1999 collection, â€Å"The World Wife†is an original collection in which she explores the view of the wives of historical, biblical and mythological men and gives the reader a chance to see the great tales concerning these men through the eyes of the woman, who is often shown to be much more strength in character than her husband or partner. After studying the poems, our group decided to base our five female characters on poems in the play, these poems being â€Å"Delilah†, â€Å"Mrs Faust†, â€Å"Mrs Midas†, â€Å"Salmone†and â€Å"Mrs Lazarus†. Using these as guidelines for our characters, the five girls in our group were able to elaborate on then, using the techniques of our practitioner, Stanisvlaski, to create a full character from the narrative in our selected poems. Caryl Churchill’s play â€Å"Top Girls†was also an influence on us. The play â€Å"Top Girls†shows the audience famous women from the past having a dinner party together and discussing their experiences to one another. This is not unlike our devised drama and influenced us to choose the setting of a gathering. The 1995 movie â€Å"How To Make An American Quilt†directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse inspired us for the idea of our women making a quilt together to commemorate the memory of a person from the village in which our play is set.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Power Shifts In Intergovernmental Relations: A Result Of Fiscal Feder
Power Shifts in Intergovernmental Relations: A Result of Fiscal Federalism      Fiscal federalism is the result of the states' dependence on the national government for funds. Until 1913, the national government had minimal monetary resources, thus possessing little control over the affairs of the states. Once effected, the Sixteenth Amendment resulted in the amassing of government funds on the national level. This reserve of money enabled the national government to initiate a multitude of national programs--such as the interstate highway--as well as provide grants to the states. It is primarily through these grants that the national government can exert influence over state affairs; for, by designating restrictions in the distribution of these grants, the national government can compel states and localities to make or alter policies and legislation in accordance with its agenda. The manner in which the national government has wielded the influence of money throughout the history of the nation has continually altered intergovernmental relations. Since the Depression, fiscal federalism has caused the national government to dominate the states; recently, however, reforms have begun to return power to the states.      Policies and precedents of the New Deal centralized power in the national government. To remedy the devastation of the Great Depression, it assumed a more direct and prevalent role in the lives of the people. Con...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Steven Levitt
Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner shows that in life, everything has a hidden side. The book also discusses many topics, such as: incentives are the cornerstones of modern life, the conventional wisdom is frequently wrong, dramatic effects often have distant causes, â€Å"experts†often use their informational advantage to serve their own agenda, and knowing what to measure and how to measure it makes a complicated world much less so. (Levitt & Dubner 12).In this essay, I will be focusing on how incentives are the cornerstones of modern life, conventional wisdom is often wrong, and how â€Å"experts†often use their informational advantage to serve their own agenda. â€Å"An incentive is always a tiny object with astonishing power to change a situation. †(Levitt and Dubner 17) All incentives can be categorized by three types of incentives: moral, social, and economic. Some of which, may have adverse effects, such as with daycare in Israel de cided to start charging people a $3 fine per child for anyone that was more than ten minutes late.One would assume that in response to this, parents would be more likely to pick up their kids in a timely fashion, but instead, the opposite happens. The amount of late pick-ups increase dramatically. The logic behind this is parents were able to pay off their guilt for being late. In other words, they saw paying the extra $60 a month as a way to substitute a moral incentive. (Levitt & Dubner 19-20). These adversaries, nevertheless, can be predicted and used to the advantages of others.In illegal drug-dealing countries, such as Brazil, the government is legalizing all drug use and treating it as an addiction problem, rather than a crime. Surprisingly, this has lowered the amount of drug-related matters. In the United States, we try to crack down on drug use with strict laws and police enforcement. Consequently, this has caused the amount of drug-related delinquencies to sky-rocket in th e past decade. It is like a teenage kid. If you tell them not to do something, they are most likely going to do it anyways just to spite you and rebel; opposed to allowing them to do it and them just not doing it.Most incentives though, can be predicted and used to stimulate or punish people, but like in the â€Å"Daycare Dilemma,†are stronger and more enhanced for some circumstances than others. For example, police departments started posting pictures of johns and prostitutes in local papers and news stations to shame the guilty party. As Levitt & Dubner put it, â€Å"Which is a more horrifying deterrent: a $500 fine for soliciting a prostitute or the thought of your friends and family ogling you on www. HookersAndJohns. com? †(Levitt & Dubner 18).In this case, a social incentive was more humiliating and punishing to them than an economical one. Another key value in Freakonomics, is that â€Å"conventional wisdom†is often wrong. We form certain â€Å"notion s†about how things and people should be. Such as a women’s rights activist. Studies have shown that they actually dramatize the statistics they give to guilt more people into standing behind their foundation. Most people would think that if anyone wanted to the right thing it would be activists, but that’s not always the case. In chapter 6, we learn about two boys named Winner and Loser.Some might think â€Å"Well, with a name like Winner, he is better off to succeed. Unlike his brother, Loser, who is set up to fail. †Conversely, Loser went on to thrive. â€Å"He went to prep school on a scholarship, graduated from Lafayette College in Pennsylvania, and joined the New York Police Department, where he made detective and, eventually, sergeant. †(Levitt & Dubner 182) Winner however, was not so â€Å"inspired†by his name. He grew up to be a criminal with more than thirty arrests. Most people would think that with a sure-fire name like â€Å" Winner†he was bound to succeed, so how did he end up in jail?Well, another example of someone not quite living up to their â€Å"destiny†is Ted Kazinsky, also known as the Unabomber. Kazinsky grew up in a white-suburban neighborhood with two parents. As a child he was known to be incredibly bright, like his parents. He later went on to attend and graduate from Harvard. In this case, he had everything going for him, yet, he became an infamous terrorist. These are just a few instances of orthodox thinking and knowledge being proven to be mistaken. W. C. Fields once said, â€Å"A thing worth having, is a thing worth stealing.†(Levitt & Dubner 21)In this case, knowledge is used to exploit consumers. It happens every day, to almost everyone; professionals use their information to their benefit. A common example is in autorepair shops. Most people have gone in to get an inspection or to have a small problem fixed, and gotten a bill for WAY more than expected. Even a fter the mechanic has assured you that it won’t be costly. Furthermore, another example of it is in real estate. One would think that since real estate agents work off commission that they would want to get you the maximum profit possible; which they do, but they don’t at the same time.Studies have shown that real estate agents will hold out for the best deal possible when selling their own home, but encourage you to take the first decent deal to come along. (Levitt & Dubner 8). The best way to stop this, is to do a little research on your before consulting an â€Å"expert. †In conclusion, economics is the study of incentives and how people react to them. Freakonomics, however, studied the hidden meanings beyond that and the cases where incentives not only reacted as expected, but where they were reacting differently as well Levitt and Dubner did that by sticking to five main philosophies in their book, knowing what to measure and how to measure it makes a complicated world much less so, â€Å"experts†often use their information to their advantage, dramatic effects often have more subtle causes, â€Å"conventional wisdom†is often wrong, and incentives are the cornerstones of modern life. (Levitt & Dubner 12).Three of which, I believed to be the most important: â€Å"specialists†often use their information to their advantage, â€Å"conventional astuteness†is recurrently false, and incentives are the keystones of contemporary life.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Life & Work of Dr. Maria Montessori Essay
Birth & Family: Montessori was born in Ancona, Italy. Her father, Alessandro Montessori, 33 years old at the time, was an official of the Ministry of Finance. Her mother, Renilde Stoppani, 25 years old, was well educated for the times and was probably related to Italian geologist and paleontologist. While she did not have any particular mentor, she was very close to her mother who readily encouraged her. She also had a loving relationship with her father, although he disagreed with her choice to continue her education. Education: Maria herself proved remarkably talented. She was a confident and strong-minded lady who excelled in school by the role of leader in different games and conversations. At the age of thirteen she got admission in a technical school, a thing considered off-limits to females at that time. She scored high marks that when she graduated, in 1886; she was able to enter in the Regio Istituto Tecnico Leonardo da Vinci. Here she studied math, natural sciences, and languages, again excelling beyond all expectations. It was here too that she became fascinated with the biological sciences, and began to dream of pursuing a career in medicine. Despite her gender, she was allowed to study medicine. When she presented her thesis in 1896, her absolute brilliance so impressed the all-male board of review that they awarded her a medical degree, making her Italy’s first woman doctor. After this accomplishment she was promoted to surgical assistant at Santo Spirito, where she had worked previously as medical assistant. As a physician, Montessori specialized in pediatrics and the new field of psychiatry. She continued research at the University of Rome, joining the university staff in 1897. She became interested in psychology and human behavior, and in 1900, at the elapse of just a short span of four years after her degree in medicine, she accepted a professorship in anthropology at the University of Rome. Work of Dr. Maria Montessori: After accepting a professorship in anthropology, Montessori researched & worked on so-called â€Å"phrenasthenic†childrenâ€â€in modern terms, children experiencing some form of mental retardation, illness, or disability. She also began to travel, study, speak, and publish nationally and internationally, coming to prominence as an advocate for women’s rights and education for mentally disabled children. In Rome during this time, children who were considered mentally deficient were sending in asylums. Montessori’s early observations of these asylum children formed a crucial element of her theory that would later influence many people. She observed children who use to crawl on the floor to grab crumbs of bread after mealtime and realized that â€Å"not all children developed through phases of life in the same way.†Her initial focus was to rehabilitate mentally retarded children, with behavioral problems, orphans, and the desperately poor. Montessori’s early efforts were so surprisingly successful that she soon had a large following, not only of parents desperate for her help, but of teachers desperate to learn her methods. Montessori was much influenced by the earlier work on child development and psychology, in particular research conducted by Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard and Edouard Seguin. Their experiments & research were a source of inspiration for Montessori who believed that â€Å"mental deficiency presented chiefly a pedagogical, rather than mainly a medical problem†. Satisfied with the fact that so-called â€Å"mentally deficient†children could learn the same things as normal children, sometimes at a faster pace or by attaining a higher mastery level, Montessori began to focus on working directly with normal children in the field of education. The opportunity to work with normal children came to her in 1907, when she was offered the position of a medical director for a day-care center that was being organized for working-class children who were too young to attend public schools. Casa Dei Bambini (House of Children) The 1st day-care center, named Casa dei Bambini (House of Children) was located in the worst slum district San Lorenzo in Rome on January 6, 1907, & the conditions Montessori faced were atrocious. Its purpose was to provide a space for pre-school age children who were damaging and destroying the houses while their parents were at work. Montessori believed in taking the time to learn from the children, as she herself learned through her observations of the children in the asylums. As Montessori herself wrote, â€Å"I merely wanted to study the children’s reactions. I asked not to interfere with them in any way as otherwise I would not be able to observe them.†Montessori surprised when she saw children’s lack of interest in the toys or the drawing materials and their keen interest in the educational materials. Each educational material had some carefully planned objective that was pre-determined by Montessori. â€Å"Liberty of the pupil†was fundamental met hod according to her. The spread of Montessori education in Italy The first Casa dei Bambini was a success, and a second was opened on April 7, 1907. The children in her programs continued to exhibit concentration, attention, and spontaneous self-discipline and the classrooms began to attract the attention of prominent educators, journalists, and public figures. Three more Case dei Bambini opened in 1908, and in 1909 Italian Switzerland began to replace Froebellian methods with Montessori in orphanages and kindergartens. International Recognition and Growth of Montessori Education As early as 1909, Montessori’s work began to attract the attention of international observers and visitors. Her work was widely published internationally, and spread rapidly. By the end of 1911, Montessori education had been officially adopted in public schools in Italy and Switzerland, and was planned for the United Kingdom. By 1912, Montessori schools had opened in Paris and many other Western European cities, and were planned for Argentina, Australia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Switzerland, Syria, the United States, and New Zealand. Public programs in London, Johannesburg, Rome, and Stockholm had adopted the method in their school systems. Montessori societies were founded in the United States as AMI (the Montessori American Committee) and the United Kingdom (the Montessori Society for the United Kingdom). Maria Montessori’s writings were also being translated to different languages. She was continually giving lectures around the world where she is always welcomed. She also continued her research and application of her principles to school aged and preschool aged children as well as infants from birth. Her research about the child’s early years is written in â€Å"Absorbent Mind†(1949). Alternatively she also took notice of the social possibilities based on the idea that â€Å"true education is an armament of peace†. In 1939 she flew to India where she met Mahatma Gandhi. In 1949 she addressed UNESCO where she received an ovation. She was honored with the Legione d’Honneur and received an honorary of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Amsterdam. Awards and Recognition: Montessori truly deserved and referred to as a lady much ahead of her time. She was a true pioneer of a modern education system. She was honored by many countries with royal, civic and academic awards and was nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1949, 1950 and 1951. Regarding her work and efforts in educational sector her picture was on Italian 200 lire coin and in 1990 on the 1000 lire bill. Montessori’s Death: Maria Montessori died in the Netherlands on May 6, 1952 aged 81. Her name always lives through the method of teaching that she introduced because she said once that, â€Å"I did not invent a method of education, I simply gave some little children a chance to live†. She was truly a woman ahead of her time.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Religion in the Workplace Essay
Introduction Religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. Under the First Amendment, Americans enjoy two freedoms with respect to religion: the right to be free from a government-imposed religion, and the right to practice any religion. While private employers are not bound by the Constitution’s restrictions on government, they are subject to federal and state laws that ban religious discrimination in employment. Given the number of employed persons, the diversity of religious faiths in this country, and the freedom we enjoy to express our views, the subject of religious discrimination continues to pose tough questions for employers and the courts. The Workplace Because of our country’s great diversity, employers may hire employees from a great variety of countries and religious backgrounds. In an ideal work environment, the religious beliefs of a given employee, or of the employer, do not create conflicts. Either is free to believe as he or she chooses and, as long as the work gets done satisfactorily, neither will encounter difficulty on the basis of religion. Yet, in the world we live in, a number of issues can arise to create friction. An employer and employee may discuss, or even argue over, religious principles. Religion is not simply a matter of belief. The faithful practice their religion through various actions to include; styles of dress, manner of keeping or wearing one’s hair, trying to recruit others to their faith, following certain diets, praying, fasting, avoiding certain language or behavior, and observing certain religious holidays. Put simply, the many characteristics of different religions provide ample ground for disagreement, conflict, or even harassment among employers and employees on the job. In deontology, the golden rule is to treat others as you would have the treat you. I know that if I respected someone’s beliefs to be Muslim, I expect them to have the same respect for me and my belief in God or whatever religion I choose to place my faith in. Deontologist insists that actions should not be evaluated on the basis of the action’s consequences. Utilitarianism and Discrimination A utilitarian might argue that in a given company, the majority of its members belong to a certain faith tradition. The greatest good for the greatest number would seem to allow that majority to pray and participate in religious activities in the way they desire (Mosser, 2013). Rule utilitarianism argues that participating in something that causes harm decreases the happiness of those who participate, even passively, in that harm. For example, discrimination occurs when the employer maintains (or allows) a hostile environment for employees of particular faiths. Typically, this arises where co-workers harass an employee on the basis of his or her faith, to the point of creating an abusive or intimidating work environment. The harassment must be severe or pervasive in order to constitute discrimination under a hostile work environment theory. Thus, a simple disagreement over religious principles would probably not constitute unlawful harassment. Severe insults or threats, or continuing words and actions meant to harass or intimidate an employee on the basis of religion; however, it may cross the line of lawful conduct. Relativist Relativist believe that different cultures have different attitudes towards life, as well as when it begins and ends. They say the same about religion. Many believe that God created life and God ends life. Take a survey in the workplace and you will probably get a more diverse answer. Different cultures have different religions. But who is to say which religion is right? Some companies believe that the workplace is not a place for religion. Their attitude towards life is basically work is work and your personal life (which includes your religion) is simply that. Your personal life should not conflict with your job. Leave your religion at home. Little do they know, religion is what’s keeping majority of their employees. Accommodating Religion in the Workplace While employers have a duty to accommodate the religious beliefs of their employees, the employer does have some leeway in how it conducts its business. There is a point where the changes that are required to accommodate an employee become a burden on the employer. Most likely, a request by an employee to trade shifts when his or her faith prevents working on Saturdays is likely to be reasonable. However, less reasonable might be a request that an employee have a particular holy month off each year. Whether an employer’s policy that limits the conduct of members of a particular faith is unreasonable depends on the circumstances. For example, a restaurant owner may require its cooks to wear hairnets or short hair, even if this creates an inconvenience for members of a faith that does not allow them to cut their hair. A job may also have certain qualifications or requirements that have the effect of limiting participation by a particular religious faith. A radio station that pla yed rock and roll music, for example, would be allowed to fire a disc jockey that refused to play rock and roll because it was against his religion. Deontology Deontology tells us to act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other. All human beings deserve dignity and respect and to treat a human being solely as a means to an end, to treat a human being instrumentally is to violate the categorical imperative and, thus, to act in a fundamentally immoral way. Regarding the workplace, we should treat each other’s religion as we would want our religion treated. Someone might need their religion at their job to keep them calm and sane. Some may need their religion at their job to keep peace and love between the employer and employees. In conclusion, the law gives broad protections to employees and managers when it comes to religious beliefs, â€Å"but once an employee’s conduct in the workplace creates problems because of their beliefs, it is problematic (Tahmincioglu, 2012). Maybe religion should be accepted at work but at a distance. Use it to the point where it is accepted and once it gets out of hand, remove it. REFERENCES Mooser, K. 2013. Ethics and Social Responsibility, Second Edition. Tahmincioglu, E. 2012. Religion at work can bring fire and brimstone. From
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Nunal Sa Tubig Essay
1. Logline A story of a community living on Laguna de Bay where the main source of living is fishing and how the residents of this island is affected by progress, poverty, ignorance, neglect and the dark side of big businesses. 2. Protagonist One of the protagonists in the film is Mang Jacob. He was a war veteran who expresses grief over the changes in their island wherein the lake was getting polluted by nearby industries and many of the fish were dying. After looking back on how tranquil and serene their island was, he wishes that it could all come back. He condemns modern changes which cause more suffering than improvement in their island. 3. Obstacles The main struggle of the residents of the island is the fact that their livelihood was being highly affected by all the modern practices like the development of industries nearby. Though there were scenes that showed the island looking serene and static, behind that was the restlessness of the people and the contradictions of social realities that they were confronted with. The people in the island were struggling for a place and identity. 4. Theme The movie shows a contrasting theme of life and death, fertility and barrenness. It shows some ironies in life like the destruction of the environment being necessary to make way for progress or even contemporary changes resulting to more burden than improvement. 5. My take on the Film I personally can see the current state of our country with the situation of the people in the island in a sense that despite the efforts for improvement and modernization, a lot of things are taken for granted most especially our natural resources. Thus, making the movie socially relevant. On the technical side, the delivery of the film was interesting since the narrative was not told in a strictly linear way. Various scenes and occurrences were interspersed. Scenes of village life alternating with the events in the city made the film less boring and more attention-grabbing. Also, I like it that contrasts and ironies were frequently emphasize. Overall, the film was worth watching.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Innovation Organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Innovation Organisation - Essay Example Various tables and figures have been employed in order to justify the objectives of this research, and to provide evidence of the company’s operational excellence. Present day business environment is very dynamic in nature which keeps on changing frequently with the changing market conditions at domestic and international level. Organisations existing in the present day business environment have sufficiently understood this fact and perform their market analysis and research activities to identify the changes. It is very essential for present day organisations to get adapted to the changes and maintain their business operations. To attain the level of flexibility required for adapting to the changes organisations develop innovative approaches to modify their business structure and systems as per the changes. This report discusses the theories of innovation and its real application in present day organisations. Irrespective of industry type every organisation is required to identify the changes and resist them. This report has considered the construction industry and its performance in the international market. BAM Construct UK Ltd. is one of t he leading construction companies in UK and is a part of the European construction enterprise. The study has considered the company BAM Construct UK Ltd. as its sample organisation for analyzing the innovative practices performed within present day organisations. The study emphasizes various innovative approaches which are practiced in the sample organisation and also provides with suggestions on improving their innovation practices in regards to their product development activities. Organisations come up with innovative products which are developed as per the changing demands of the customers’. Organisations are required to update their product range at regular intervals which help them in gaining
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Operations Management and the Operations Manager Essay
Operations Management and the Operations Manager - Essay Example The operations manager is also responsible for the layout of the manufacturing plant and its structure, planning for the project management methods as well as the selection of the right equipment as well as replacement. The operations manager is also responsible for all the operational services such as scheduling and control of production, management of inventory, control and inspection of quality, traffic and handling if materials, as well as formulating and enforcing the implementation of equipment maintenance policies. An operations manager also is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring the smooth operations of various processes that add up to the production of various goods and services of an organization. This individual typically has a lot of responsibilities as he does a bit of just everything. In a bit just to summarize the responsibilities of an operational manager, it is worth stating that he is responsible for logistics management, budget management, operational strategizing, manage support services as well as managing third party relations (Opsman,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Distinct Drivers for Change in ZExpress Assignment
Distinct Drivers for Change in ZExpress - Assignment Example Rockart defines it as: â€Å"the limited number of areas in which results if they are satisfactory, will ensure successful competitive performance for the business. They are all the vital areas where ‘things must go right’ for the business to flourish. (qt. in Harrison, et al, 1993 p418.) These drivers are also consistent with the four business goals of the organization as explained in the new CEO’s vision: â€Å"increase revenue, reduce costs, improved customer service, to be agile and responsive to the changes in customer’s and business’ needs across the world.†Establishing full global presence within the next six months in order to obtain a new and substantial business partner is a very important driver for ZExpress. This will determine whether Bonsai Motor Corporation’s partnership with the company for the distribution of accessories and spare parts of  µcron. The likely impact if ZExpress does not establish a full global presence within the next six months is that they would lose millions from the potential partnership with Bonsai Motor Corporation. This partnership would see ZExpress distributing accessories and spare parts for the  µcron. They would hold stocks of parts and guarantee delivery within 24 hours to any location in the world. This vehicle is very economical and should be in high demand as it is demonstrated to travel in excess of 120 miles on a US gallon of petrol. With the price of petrol where it is now, this is a good buy for someone who is interested in energy conservation. Innovation is important within the context of ZExpress to ensure real-time information and the reliability of the tracking system. The customer wants to be able to track the package to the delivery point within the specified time period.Â
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Weighing the Evidence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Weighing the Evidence - Research Paper Example After comparing all the findings of all the articles, the researchers found out that the frequency of the study concepts is directly proportional to the strength of the study evidence. This is means that if the frequency with which a concept is studied is low, the resulting strength also becomes low especially when one focuses on the quality of outcomes of the weighing process. This was discovered after the researchers compared the checklist appraisal results with the expert judgment made. The researchers used transparency as the reasoning process that allowed them to draw their conclusion. They concluded that the use of checklist appraisal in weighing the study evidence is better than using expert judgment. This is because checklist appraisal is transparent and can easily be discussed by the team members or other people. This conclusion was weak because the researchers focused on a single aspect: transparency. The researchers concluded that checklist appraisals are better than the e xpert judgment because they are transparency.However, additional research is necessary to strengthen the findings. For example, the researcher should conduct research to investigate the effects of the frequency of the study themes on the two methods used in weighing the strength of the study results. Additionally, the reliability of the weighing scale used in the study is not determined making it crucial for the researchers to conduct an additional study to evaluate the validity and reliability of the weighing scale .
Monday, September 9, 2019
3 major events in California that we can feel today Essay
3 major events in California that we can feel today - Essay Example Emigration led to the increase in population which brought about desire to own land. The populous areas tended to have small tracts of land for farming and settlement, yet people desired to have large pieces of land. This dilemma was solved through government’s intervention, by introducing the California Land Act (1851). The policy monopolized land and solved the problem of land tenure. The rush brought about diversity in the sense that the people who went to exploit gold came from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. We feel the impact of this diversity in California. Currently, there are various ethnic and racial groups living in California. This has enhanced the unity in diversity, and has helped the people of California to appreciate and enrich different cultures. We can feel the impact of the gold rush in current California economy, as it opened up California to other parts of the world for trade. Hollywood movie production is one of the largest movie makers in the world. It makes Los Angeles, California a historical and cultural center for exhibition of movies, and this enhances social growth of the state. The revenue of the movies producer contributes a lot to California economy2. It is true to say that Hollywood productions are part of California’s main exports. Apart from earning the state considerable amounts of revenue, the industry provides employment to the vast population in the state and it offers a positive balance in international trade. It makes more contributions to the economy as compared to legal, medical, insurance and telecommunication sectors. It is indeed an economic powerhouse industry to reckon with, not only in California, but in the whole of America. The Great Depression of 1929-1940s was an economic tragedy that made many people in California jobless. It began with the crash of stock markets in USA on 29th October, 1929, â€Å"Black Tuesday.†The depression rendered many people
Human Resources in Healthcare - Discussion for online class Essay
Human Resources in Healthcare - Discussion for online class - Essay Example Along with this, organizations should attempt to make appointments by promoting current competent employees, so that they can save the cost of hiring and training new employees. As a second option, request the existing employees to refer the individuals with relevant skills and experience. In this way, organizations can economically select appropriate talent without bearing the cost of advertising a job (Siddique, 2004). As a last resort, organizations nowadays go through the conventional method of hiring. Integration of HR with the strategic management of the organization is a prerequisite of the business success because, it is the human factor which will utilize the infrastructure of the company to transform the intended organizational goals and objectives into a reality. Therefore, it is a must for the organization to develop the objectives in accordance with the current and developable competencies of its employees. (Marler, 2009) Strategic integration of human resource management requires a firm to recruit and select those employees with strategically aligned skill set, so that they can help the organization in attaining the goals set by the top management (Siddique, 2004). At the same time, human resource managers should performed job need analysis, to develop a list for the jobs that required to be filled. No, strategic management is not an HR function. But it is the collection of various functions, because the fundamental purpose of strategic management is to determine the long term goals of an organization (Marler, 2009), then divide them into number of short term ones. At last top management integrates all the departmental effort in order to achieve a common goals set during the first
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Marketing in Practice Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Marketing in Practice - Case Study Example Global scenario of Confectionary industry: The confectionary market consists of chocolates, gum, cereal bars and sugar confectionary. The global confectionary market grew by 3% in 2006 to reach a value of 100.9 billion dollars. Chocolate sales dominate, accounting for 54.4% of the global confectionery markets value. Out of total confectionary market worldwide, Europe generates 46.6% of the total global confectionary markets value. It has been projected that in 2011, the global confectionary market will become to the value of 116 billion dollars, an increase of 14.9% since 2006. By the year 2011, the global confectionary market is forecast to have a volume of 15.1 billion kg, an increase of 9.9% since 2006. (All the data has been extracted from the Data Monitor report on global confectionary, Feb 2008). The confectionary market in regions such as Western Europe and North America has become mature and nearing to saturation. Consumption level in these areas reached to nearly static posi tion. Confectionary market is growing mostly in Central and Eastern Europe, India and China. It has been forecasted that global confectionary market between 2006 and 2010, grow @16% in value terms reaching more than 145 billion dollars. Volume sales have been expected to over 17.8 million tones by 2010. So it has been obvious that globally, confectionery market is expected to grow and Cadbury being the largest company after merger with Hershey it has strengthen their respective positions in the higher-growth markets for healthier forms of confectionery. Confectionary market worldwide is very competitive and it could be very well understood by the fact that the global confectionery market remains relatively fragmented, with the top six manufacturers accounting for less than half (45%) of value sales. Significance for Cadbury: The Company, Cadbury Schweppes is one of the largest confectionary companies based in UK and operates in almost 30 countries. UK has a well grown confectionery industry as a sub-sector of the British food industry. Within the European confectionery industry, the UK confectionery industry leads the field and the UK is unlikely to lose its place as the leading consumer of confectionery products. It has been estimated that in the last ten years consumer expenditure on food has increased to double but the expenditure on confectionary has tripled. It has been contributing considerably to British economy. This situation clearly shows that if Cadbury has to expand its business, it has to move in the areas like India, China, and East Europe etc. Market of confectionery is growing but in the developed country where market growth has stagnated, companies are trying various strategies like expanding its business in the areas which ultimately providing them proper oppor tunities to grow. Cadbury have 8 major competitors but one of the major competitors has merged with it and provided strategic mileage to the company. This market research has shown the direction of change as well as the direction of progress for Cadbury. It should know its competitors, which are mainly Mass Inc, Hearshey Food Corporation, Nestle SA, Ferrere etc. Most of the companies have similar types of distribution channel and developing new product range. Looking at the market situation it has been very obvious that confectionary market has the potential to grow and at the same time companies also have motivation and zeal to move ahead. 2.
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